Page 56 - News Letter
P. 56


        Physics:  LO:  The  learners  examined  the  factors  affecting  the  free  fall  of  an  object  through
        simulation, presented their solar system storyboard and identified the transfer of energy from one
        form to another.
        Biology: The learners got an opportunity to examine the parts of plant and animal cells. This
        helped them to recapitulate the functions of the organelles.
        LO: Ratio and Proportion
        The  learners  admired  and  appreciated  the  importance  of  ratio  and  proportion  in  daily  life
        activities. They improved the application skills by solving problems on ratio proportion. They
        were able to interrelate the concept with fractions.
        LO: Unity in diversity and the Earth and the solar system
        The learners enhanced and explored their knowledge about Unity in diversity – different types of
        festivals celebrated in India, Dance and Music forms, Art and sculpture, food, clothes and so on.
        They applied their knowledge and displayed one of the dance forms of India. They also presented
        their understanding on “India is a diverse country” with a PPT.
        They also reflected their understanding by studying the case study of Kerala and Ladakh and
        presented the same in the form of a T- chart.
        The learners enhanced and explored their knowledge about the Earth and the solar system. They
        also  watched  the  animated  video  on  the  solar  system.  They  used  their  thinking  skills  and
        innovatively  presented  their  understanding  on  the  “Phases  of  the  moon”  with  Oreo  biscuit
        LO: picture composition
        learners were able to describe a picture by using adjectives.
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