Page 58 - News Letter
P. 58


        Grade 8

                                           English                                    Science


        LO- To articulate experience and express what is thought, felt and imagined through writing,
        mainly through argumentative. discursive and informative texts.
        “For good ideas and true innovation, you need human interaction, conflict, argument, and debate.”
        -                                                         -Margaret Heffernan
        The learners made good use of the platform to polish their debating skills and constructed valid
        arguments to enhance fruitful discussions. The relevant text types were approached in detail,
        questioning the effectiveness of each. Nevertheless, the elements and concepts related to the topic
        were  revisited,  taking  great  care  at  analysing  and  understanding  the  intended  ideas.  Regular
        writing tasks and collaborative learning strategies eased out the feeling of tiresome repetition.
        LO:  Draw front, plan and side view of the given solid shape.
        Learners have learnt about the plans and elevations. Using math pad online drawing elevations
        was explained to the learners. They have practiced the same using math pad online.

        L.O. importance of fruits and vegetables
        Learners learnt about the importance of fruits and vegetables. They researched the importance of
        it and presented a skit in the class to reflect their learning and to spread awareness..
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