Page 59 - News Letter
P. 59


        Chemistry: LO: Describe the trends in the periodic table.
        The learners were able to explain the trends in the physical properties of elements in the periodic
        table. They were able to describe the physical properties and chemical reactions of Group I and
        VII  elements  based  on  their  electronic  structures.  The  learners  enhanced  and  explored  their
        knowledge of the underactivity of Group VIII elements.
        Grade 9

                 Math                                    Hindi                            English

        LO: To consider strategies which we can use to identify relevant textual evidence and ideas.

        Learners in pairs framed comprehension questions based on the given short story. The questions

        were based on implicit meaning, explicit meaning, vocabulary, figurative language, evidence-
        based questions and grammatical concepts. Each pair presented a minimum of five questions

        which were reviewed and answered in a Q and A session by their peers. The activity helped the

        students to exercise their thinking skills to frame the question based on the given strategy and
        then to answer them.

        LO: Percentages and Applications
        Students  have  been  learning  the  topic  through  PowerPoint,  interactive  web  sites  as  well  as
        classroom teaching. Focus was more on aligning learning to expectations of Cambridge with
        exam type questions and discussions on the same. PIE approximation day activities were also
        Chemistry: LO: Atoms, elements and compounds.
        The learners were able to define atoms, elements and compounds. They were able to distinguish
        between Ionic bonding and covalent bonding by drawing structures of ionic compounds and
        covalent compounds. They were able to describe the physical properties and chemical properties
        of  ionic  and  covalent  compounds.  PPT,  notes  and  worksheets  were  prepared  based  on  the
        Cambridge learning objectives and were discussed in the class.
        LO: Learn about historical places
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