Page 53 - News Letter
P. 53


        their  sentence  formation.  Learners  also  distinguished  fact  and  opinion  in  order  to  organize
        information in a text.
        LO: Finding the term to term rule for the given sequence and identifying the missing term in the
        Learners have learnt about linear and non-linear sequences. They have learnt about number and
        geometric patterns. They were taught how to find the term to term rule and the missing number
        in the given number sequence.
        LO:  The  students  learnt  that  the  energy  cannot  be  created  nor  be  destroyed  it  can  only  be

        The learners also explored the simulation related to particle theory of matter. This enhanced their
        understanding about states of matter.
        LO: Know about the Northern Mountains and the Northern Plains and its importance
        The learners enhanced and explored their knowledge about the Northern Mountains- its parallel
        ranges and importance. They also explored the Northern Plains-its basin and importance. They
        also researched and reflected their understanding on “Why should the government construct dams
        and canals in areas with less rainfall.
        The learners also enhanced and explored their knowledge about the plateau i.e., Deccan plateau
        and the central highlands and its importance and the desert regions- Life in the desert and its
        importance. They also used their thinking skills and reflected their understanding on “Why are
        most people in desert nomadic?”. The Learners also located the ranges, hills and rivers of the
        deccan plateau on the map.
        LO: Able to speak and write about on given topic
        Learners discussed and wrote a few points on good habits.
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