Page 41 - The Law of Lashes Ultimate Lash Ebook
P. 41
Natural lashes have an average life span of around 90 days, so about 3 months. This
again, can vary with age and/or poor health.
It is totally normal to shed around 3 natural lashes from each upper lid line every day.
So, it’s possible to lose around 21 lashes in a week, around 42 in two weeks and 63
lashes in three weeks from each eye. Eyelash extension application is therefore semi-
permanent as the extension is lost when the natural lash that is hosting it sheds. This
makes way for new growth that can be treated when it is old or strong enough. This is so
important to remember when promising how long your treatment will last. Booking
regular maintenance appointments every 2-3 weeks is best to keep them looking full.
Just like body hair, our natural lashes are in one of three phases of growth.
The shortest lashes are the in the Anagen growth phase. These are the baby lashes.
This is a fast growth phase.
The medium length lashes are in their Catagen phase. They are young adults. As they
are in a transitional phase (between phases), they grow a little to reach the next phase
The longest lashes are in their Telogen phase. They are resting as they get ready to
shed. They tend to be a fraction thicker than the others too.
Natural lashes all vary in length, thickness, and the number of lashes on each eye. Each
lash grows independently so from one week to the next, the number of lashes in each
phase will vary. If you treat all the adult lashes, you may notice that there are times
when your treatment looks fuller than it did at previous infills.
This can happen when there are more lashes in their Catagen or Telogen phases as they
are treatable. On other occasions, there could be many more Anagen lashes. These are
far too immature to be treated. So, it can look less full if more lashes are in this phase.
Be mindful that there may be more Anagen lashes on one eye when compared to the
other and sometimes they are concentrated in one place along the lash line. If you treat
every adult lash, then your treatment will not look balanced. This is where the
placement techniques will help you to create a balanced look.
This is a good reason why both eyes should be treated at the same time rather than one
at a time. This is done by working from one to the other. You are more likely to apply an
even number of extensions on each lash line, so they look balanced and even.