Page 46 - The Law of Lashes Ultimate Lash Ebook
P. 46

Keeping an up-to-date record of your client consultations will save time before
    future appointments, as you are able to quickly refer to their details and remind
    yourself of any issues, medical conditions, and skin history. Artists can complete
    and securely store client record cards electronically or using a record card and
            pen. Record cards should be securely stored in a storage box.

  For security reasons only relevant information should be taken from the client. It
  important to record the client’s response and gain a signature. It’s important to
  keep these records for:

      Legal reasons (e.g., to prove the client has had the treatment)
      Proof you carried out the consultation
      Reference for future appointments
      Allow you to monitor your client loyalty
      In case there is an insurance claim
      Complies with data protection
      Duty of care

    Once the consultation is over, this is your opportunity to examine the clients for
   any problem areas or potential skin conditions that could prevent the application
     going ahead. For example, looking for cuts, discoloration, or injuries. You can
   explain to your client that this examination is for the safety of both her as well as
                             you and your business.

     NEVER carry out a treatment on someone who has clear visible signs of a skin

   Every single woman would love to have luscious long eyelashes that enhance the
    beauty of their eyes. Eyes convey personality, emotion and genuine beauty and
        women will be drawn to treatments that naturally enhance their eyes.

    A good consultation process means you will be halfway there to ensuring very
   happy, satisfied, and returning clients. That’s why we recommend spending some
     real time with the client before the actual treatment to discuss everything and
                   choose the most suitable lash look for them.

     Before you start working you need to find out as much as you can about your
   client’s lifestyle and her initial expectations. Ask if there is any special occasion or
     any reason why she has decided to do her eyelashes. Has she had them done
                previously and if yes, what was her experience like?

    It is always a good idea to ask the client to bring some pictures of eyelashes that
    she likes; it may be the lashes she has seen on her favourite celebrity or on her
   friend, but it will give you some idea of what your client desires. Just remember to
                  remind the client to have realistic expectations!
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