Page 47 - The Law of Lashes Ultimate Lash Ebook
P. 47

If the client wants the lashes for everyday wear, a good question to ask is ‘how
                                active are you?’

    Many clients run a very active and busy life and one of the reasons for having
    eyelash extensions may be to save time and look amazing on every occasion.
      However, they may not be aware that if they use a sauna or a steam room
   regularly, the extensions may not last as long. So, the consultation is the perfect
            time to mention this and recommend more frequent infills.

  Choosing the right style isn’t as simple as it may sound, and it takes years of
  practice. When choosing the right style, you need to take into consideration:

      The client’s age
      The client’s eye shape and bone structure
      The client’s natural lashes

    Most of the time clients don’t have any idea what would suit them so it is your
    responsibility to guide them and give the best advice you can. If your client is
   keen for a cat eye effect but you can clearly see that her eyes won't support the
    look, advise that the kitten or squirrel style may suit her best and explain why.

  Always remember that by using a well-informed argument, you will most likely be
   able to convince them to follow your advice. After all, you have all the knowledge
     and the experience you need, you just need to find the most effective way to
          reassure your client of this. Just be confident in what you know!

     Another important step is choosing the color, especially now that we have a
   much bigger selection available to suit everyone! You don’t have to stick to black
     lashes only. In the holiday season, you could recommend coloured lashes. It
    doesn’t have to be a full set - a small accent of colour in the outer corner could
                             give an amazing effect.

    Also, when choosing the curl type always explain why you decided to use that
   one. If the client is not a big fan of strong curls, but you feel like a bit of lift would
  help with the overall look, suggest using a stronger curl on the bottom layers only
          and fill the top layers with smaller curls to soften the overall look.

    As you can see there is quite a lot to discuss before the treatment but by doing
         so you will save yourself and more importantly, your client a lot of
   disappointment. So, never neglect the consultation process. Besides, it’s a great
  opportunity to better connect with your client and make a great impression. After
              all, you want her to stay with you for as long as possible.
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