Page 118 - my SUCCESS! my CHOICE
P. 118
Deepak Gupta my SUCCESS! my CHOICE
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you may want to ‘sift’ this; I believe that life-long friendship can only develop when friends
do not expect anything from each other.” He paused again to think.
“Chemistry or like-mindedness can create the desire to be friend, but a lasting friendship is
only possible when the relationship is devoid of expectations.” “Does it make sense?”
“It does somewhat but there is a question Ron – Materialistic expectations may be absent
in a true friendship, but emotional expectations do exist? I would certainly look up to my
friends for emotional and moral support in time of crisis.”
By now Ron was the master again, “Great question Dan. An expectation is a 'desire to
receive' something either in return of something we do or because of our relationship (parent-
child, husband-wife, siblings etc..). It is almost like a right.”
“True friendship, on the other hand, is not about receiving but giving. That is why I
consider it to be the highest form of relationship. True friends have the commitment and
confidence that they will always be there for each other. This is not an expectation but a
conviction. What form or shape 'we-will-always-be-there-for-us' takes is unknown because it
is not an expectation. What we give will be based on the need depending on the situation. It
could be mere presence for emotional and/or moral support or even materialistic support –
true friends neither know nor bother to find out beforehand. Their conviction in each other
is complete and is devoid of any expectations.”