Page 116 - my SUCCESS! my CHOICE
P. 116
Deepak Gupta my SUCCESS! my CHOICE
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“Probably best to call it The Expectations Conundrum – the challenges of expectations.”
He said pointing at what he had drawn. “The continuum of expectations in a personal
relationship is quite diverse. In most relationships, the expectations start as ‘Wish’, the dotted
vertical line with the arrow. Relationship can go in any direction from there! Either slide down
or get stronger.”
“Unmanaged, ‘Wish’ can become ‘Demand’ that is one-sided, rigid, inflexible, and difficult
to meet. Invariably, it will slowly drift towards ‘Apathy’, where partners take each other for
granted because they lose enthusiasm and are neither concerned nor care. It can slide further
to the worst stage, ‘Burden’ where expectations become responsibility, and the relationship
becomes a deadweight, steadily moving towards the break-point.” He paused.
“Every ‘Wish’ is the face of some invisible and unmet ‘Need’. If the partners can maturely
identify and understand that need, they can significantly enhance the chances of meeting it
and strengthen the relationship.”