Page 112 - my SUCCESS! my CHOICE
P. 112
Deepak Gupta my SUCCESS! my CHOICE
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“I will have a problem trusting such a person as he could do the same with me in future.
Integrity plays an important role in trusting someone.” Replied Dan.
“What do you mean by integrity Dan?”
“To me, it means being honest, truthful, principled.” Replied Dan.
Ron nodded in affirmative. “Integrity, though cornerstone of trust, can be interpreted in
many ways in this context. For example, even the most virtuous person may be considered
less trustworthy by me compared to a person who lies to protect me!”
“Integrity is often considered to be a bond between two individuals or entities, and they
choose to interpret it in their own preferred way.”
“Sometimes ‘unconditional allegiance come-what-may’ is considered integrity. This
unquestioned loyalty, specific to an individual or an institution, can be induced either through
materialistic enticement out of greed or through control out of fear or through compassion
out of deep reverence. Unfortunately, in either case it is superficial and unsustainable, and has
a higher chance to end up in betrayal.”
“When we trust someone, we have a firm belief that they will never betray the faith we have
entrusted in them. Sustainable trust is a relationship built on mutual respect, understanding,
and confidence of consistency, dependability, and predictability. Although there is no
expectation for the other to agree and endorse everything we say or do, their behavior and
actions are expected to be rational and within the guidelines of agreed principles.”