Page 142 - my SUCCESS! my CHOICE
P. 142
Deepak Gupta my SUCCESS! my CHOICE
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“You are right Ron. The Performance Appraisal system has become a routine that does not
Ron was uncharacteristically somber and did not comment. He was visibly unhappy about
the situation.
“It is important to understand that this prevails in almost all companies across all industries.
In fact, The Global Company is better than most and has always believed in continuous
improvement. Some of us are currently working with the HR leadership to transform our
appraisal system to make it truly meaningful and a competitive advantage.” He finally smiled.
“There is another opportunity area Ron. Our promotion criteria are subjective and
somewhat ambiguous. Bringing some consistency and transparency there will also help a lot.”
Offered Dan.
“I agree Dan. However, subjectivity cannot be eliminated from performance rating or
appraisal system as people are evaluating people. Although we try to be as principle-based as
possible, a system with checkboxes cannot work for a system as diverse and complex as Talent
Development. More so at senior hierarchical levels.”
“What we lack is structure to a critical dimension of promotability. Do you know what that
is Dan?”
Dan thought for a while, “Is it the ability to perform in the future as we have a pretty good
system for contribution assessment.” Replied Dan.
“I assume you mean ‘Potential’, and you are absolutely right Dan.”