Page 5 - The EGO Insider Volume 5 Issue 1
P. 5
The headstone photos were taken with the Billion Graves app. Each
headstone was automatically tagged with GPS coordinates; after which, the
data was readily available on Billion Graves’ website for genealogical
research. Epsilon Gamma Omega members, Sorors Antionette Turner, Cyn-
thia Hargrove, Karen Scruggs and Kristina Hendrix were able to register
their loved ones who are laid to rest in Pine Grove’s Cemetery.
The efforts of the volunteers made family history accessible to everyone.
These photos will be available for anyone to find and use in their ancestry
First Anti-Basileus, Soror Tonya Davis, recommended this community service project would be of
great value to discovering the historical lineage of Black Americans. Tracing family roots across genera-
tions can be difficult for Black Americans because of slavery and lack of documentation and records. The
Billion Graves “Recovering Our Roots” project will allow many to discover and honor their ancestors.
Every life has a story, and thanks to Rev. Dr. C. Jermaine Turner and Pine Grove Missionary Baptist
Church, Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter and many volunteers, we were able to help families discover their
full story. Fourteen community volunteers, four Omicron Zeta Sorors, six Gamma Mu Sorors and the fol-
lowing EGO Sorors volunteered their time and resources to this project: Sorors Erica Bartee, Mildred
Blackshear, Latoyia Clemons, Shirley Clemons, Ann Davis, Tonya Davis, Jovonne Foster, Michelle Gary
Hunt, Eugena Goggans, Sharon Gresham, Cynthia Hargrove, Kristina Hendrix, Yawna, Jones, Lorraine
Lacy, Destiny Miller, Elise Morris, Mary Peagler, Karen Scruggs, Dawn C. Stanley, Rhonda Thompson,
Antoinette Turner, Anita Weathers, Priscilla Williams, Tonya S. Wood.