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                                                                                                            Table 3.
                    TIG welding modes with flux cored tape in one pass without preparation of edges.
        thickness (mm)        welding         arc voltages      welding speed       wire feed           argon
                            current (A)            (V)           (cm / min)        speed (cm /      consumption (l
                                                                                       min)             / min)
              6.0            270 - 280           19 - 20              25              70 - 80            9 - 11
              8.0            320 - 330           21 - 22              25              70 - 80           10 - 12

            It has also been found that welds produced by welding a Y-groove plate are more prone
    to weld defects than non-grooved plates. The presence of a greater number of defects can be
    associated with the ingress of oxide inclusions and moisture into the weld metal from the filler
    metal, the volume of which increases when welding plates with a Y-shaped groove. In fact, when
    welding joints with grooving, in comparison with joints without grooving, the share of the filler
    metal in the formation of the weld increases sharply, which causes an increase in the number
    of oxide inclusions, pores in the weld metal, and contributes to a change in the mechanical
    properties of the joints. Therefore, the use of flux tape is more effective when welding plates
    without cutting the welded edges.
                                                                                                            Table 4.
         Mechanical properties of welded joints of AMg6 alloy made automatic TIG welding of plates
                         with different preparation of welded edges using conventional and flux tapes.

      №      thickness        TIG        preparing the       ultimate           ratio          bend       defects
               (mm)         welding        connection      strength σв,        σв/σв*          angle
                            method                          (MPa)σв,                          (deg.)
      1                   with regular       without           179               0.6            50       pores and
                              tape          grooving                                                       oxide
      2                     with flux                          271              0.91            82            -
                6.0           tape
      3                   with regular   with Y-shaped         225              0.75            101      pores and
                              tape           groove                                                        oxide
      4                     with flux                          236              0.79            97      small pores
      5                   with regular       without           178              0.56            89       pores and
                              tape          grooving                                                       oxide
      6                     with flux                          265              0.84            83            -
                8.0           tape
      7                   with regular   with Y-shaped         233              0.74             -       pores and
                              tape           groove                                                        oxide
      8                     with flux                          236              0.75             -            -

    Note: * - ultimate strength of the base metal (σв): for metal with a thickness of 6 mm - 297 MPa, 8 mm - 315 MPa.
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