Page 35 - June
P. 35


                                                                The stagnant zone is regularly destroyed, its
                                                         fragments are carried away by the converging chips
                                                         or the cutting surface. Chipping occurs with regular
                                                         shifts, traces of which are visible on the chip itself
                                                         and  on  the  surface  of  the  workpiece.  These  and
                                                         a  number  of  other  processes  associated  with  the
                                                         heterogeneity  of  the  workpiece  material  and  the
                                                         frictional contact of the surfaces of the tool [8], to one
                                                         degree or another, violate the emerging equilibrium.
                                                         For example, at the moment of the formation of a
                                                         crack in the coming off shavings, its effect on the
                                                         front surface sharply decreases in magnitude and
                                                         direction, the balance is disturbed, and the tip of
                                                         the tool rushes to the EFS. One- the shortest path,
                                                         but along a complex trajectory determined by the
                                                         characteristics of the vibration modes, the so-called
                                                         normal  modes,  in  which  the  reserves  of  potential
                                                         energy  have  been  concentrated  at  the  moment
                                                         of  imbalance.  In  fig.  3  shows  an  example  of  the
                                                         hodograph of the cutter tip speed (Fig. 3a) directly
    Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the forces acting   during turning (the central part of the hodograph)
    on the tip of the cutter from the side of the rear edge
    (Fз), from the side of the chips (Fс) and from the side   and  when  entering  the  keyway.  The  arrows  show
    of the elastic system of the tool (Fy).              the direction of motion along the trajectory of the
                                                         hodograph in time.
            Figure 3b shows an example of recording a vibration signal along two mutually perpendicular
    axes when turning a workpiece with a groove. The plane of the hodograph in Fig. 3 is determined
    by the vector of cutting speed (Z-axis) and the normal to the cutting surface (X-axis), which
    in this  case  coincides in direction with the  axis  of  rotation  of  the  part.  It  can  be  seen  that
    during cutting the hodograph contour is close to an elliptical shape and occupies a relatively
    compact area elongated in the tangential direction in the direction of the cutting speed. This
    area significantly increases at the moment the tool enters the groove, when the holding forces
    from the chip side disappear, the elastic system is able to free itself from the excess potential
    energy and begin to shift towards the EFS.
            Simultaneous  movement  of  a variety of  vibration modes  (vibrations along normal
    coordinates) forces the tool tip to move along a complex trajectory [9 - 11]. At the same time,
    at the moment of entering the groove, the speed of the tool tip in the direction of the normal to
    the cutting surface (X-axis in Fig. 3b) is several times higher than this speed in normal cutting.
    It is important that this movement is directed from the cutting surface, although it is known
    that during cutting there is a deformation displacement of the tip from the cutting surface, i.e.,
    the coordinates of the EFS of the cutter tip are inside the workpiece body. This is due to the fact

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