Page 37 - June
P. 37


                                                   This is because  vibration  modes  with higher  natural
                                            frequencies,  despite  smaller  vibration  amplitudes,  can  have
                                            higher vibration velocities and accelerations, which allows them
                                            to manifest themselves at the slightest imbalance caused by
                                            shifts of chip elements or changes in the relative position of
                                            the tool and workpiece due to low-frequency vibrations [12].
                                            Processes similar to the passage of the groove also occur when
                                            the chip elements shift. However, these time shifts are much
                                            shorter, and the release from bonds is not as complete as when
                                            entering the groove. This is especially true for drain chips, where

                     a                      shears occur, but the chips do not completely lose their elastic
                                            properties, partially restraining the "rebound" of the tool from
                                            the cutting surface. This leads to the fact that the attractor,
                                            to  which the  tool tip  trajectories  gravitate  during  cutting,  is
                                            usually elongated along the cutting speed vector, its contour
                                            has a relatively stable ellipse shape in two-dimensional space
                                            and an ellipsoid shape in three-dimensional space. The paths
                                            themselves are far from the shape of an ellipse, are chaotic,
                                            but elongated in the direction of the cutting speed.
                                                   The trajectory of oscillation of the tool tip is determined by
                                            many parameters, some of which have a random component.
                                            It is not only the dynamic stiffness of the elastic system of the
                                            machine, which includes the dynamic characteristics of the tool
                                            and the workpiece and is a complex function of the working
                    b                       space  of  technological equipment.  It is not only the  cutting

    Fig. 4. Diagram of the torsional mode   modes and the heterogeneity of the properties of the processed
    of vibration of the cutter and the
    direction of movement after release     material,  which determine  the  load,  experience  shows,  it is
    from ties (a); section of the conical   also the geometry of the tool changing with wear, the state of
    surface after boring with traces of self-  its cutting edges,  the  nature  of  the  formed  chips, especially
    oscillations (b).
                                            the degree of its differentiation, etc. Complex processes in the
    cutting zone lead to the fact that at each moment of time the conditions of interaction of the
    surfaces  of the  tool with the  chips, the  processed  surface  and  the  cutting surface  change.
    The  moments  of  shear  of  the  chip elements  lead  to  abrupt  changes  in the  load,  the  very
    polycrystalline structure of the processed material makes it impossible to describe the resulting
    reactions,  changing  contact  stiffness  and  damping  in  the  frictional  contact  zone  and  in  the
    dynamic system. All this suggests that cutting is accompanied by chaotic or quasi-attractors,
    which are more complexly arranged in comparison with strange attractors [4, 13, 14].
            The trajectories of such attractors are called Poisson stable, since they do not go beyond
    the  bounds of  a  bounded  region.  If  the  boundaries  of  this area  meet  the  requirements  for
    surface cleanliness and quality of the surface layer, then the cutting process can be considered

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