Page 32 - June
P. 32


        obtaining a high-quality surface of the machined part. First, when there is the disturbing effect
        inherent in this technological operation, the deviation of the phase coordinate can be so great
        that the subsequent manifestation of stable behavior (restoration of the relative position of the
        tool and the workpiece) does not prevent the occurrence of defects on the surface. Secondly,
        the absence stability, manifested in the relatively slow development of the deviation from the
        initial position of the tool and workpiece, can be valid if a new change in cutting conditions
        occurs  before  the  deviation  exceeds  acceptable  limits. Such  changes  occur,  for  example,  in
        the cycle of formation of chip elements, the release of which either loads the elastic system or
        reduces the load.
               The mentioned above is explained in Fig. 1, which shows the change in one of the phase
        coordinates (for example, the radial displacement of the cutting tool and the workpiece) in time
        after the disturbance. The abscissa shows time, and the ordinate shows the deviation from
        the initial position. The time T determines the period during which, for technical reasons, it is
        required to limit the deviation from initial position limits ±Ад.
               Shown in fig. 1a, b examples of changes in the phase coordinate after a disturbance in
        the time interval from 0 to T indicate that the technical requirements set by the permissible
        interval [-Ad; Hell], options 1 and 2 satisfy, although
        they  are  unstable  from  a  mathematical  point  of
        view. Variants 3 and 4 on the interval from 0 to T
        go beyond the permissible limits, therefore they do
        not  satisfy  the  requirements  of  technical  stability,
        although  variant  4  has  asymptotic  stability  [2,  3].
        These examples indicate that even the presence of
        asymptotic stability does not guarantee the technical
        stability of a dynamical system. The aim of the work
        is to increase the technical stability of technological
               A computational and experimental study of the
        stability of dynamic models of the cutting process as                                        a
        closed systems with feedback allows one to assess the
        quality of elastic systems of machine tools and carry
        out their comparative analysis. However, a number
        of  simplifications  allowed  in  modeling,  especially
        those related to the cutting process, do not allow an
        exhaustive description of the final machining process
        to be given. In addition, the description of the dynamic
        system and the cutting process by linear equations                                           b
        presupposes the occurrence of self-oscillations only
        after the loss of stability, for example, at an excessive         Fig. 1. Variants of behavior of a disturbed
                                                                          dynamical system on a finite time interval:
        depth of cut. Such studies are focused on roughing,  a - mathematically unstable behavior; b -
                                                                          asymptotically sustainable behavior.

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