Page 5 - Microsoft Word - ESSAY with references.docx
P. 5
According to (Tomlinson & Allan, 2000), differentiation allows students “multiple options to learn, explore ideas, and
express their learning.” This happens through student choice, flexibility, on-going assessments, and creativity based
on student strengths, needs, and learning styles.
Listen to Tomlinson’s interview about differentiation
Watch the video on differentiation
Although teachers in my ecosystem use differentiation strategies to accommodate ability levels and learning styles,
there is no accommodation for special needs(SEN) students. SEN includes difficulty in academic and learning skills,
including reading, writing, language skills, and visual impairment. Individual Education Plans (IEPs) are completed for
administration purposes, however not incorporated into instructional strategy and curriculum. (SEN) students
participate in the normal curriculum and are required to achieve the same student outcomes. The lack of a specialist
teacher accentuates the challenge.
Read more about the importance of special education
Read more about tips for online teaching for special needs
One solution to addressing this challenge is the use of assistive technology tools (ATT). This refers to specific
technology tools that assist students with learning difficulties through special instructional treatment. Research by
(Duhaney & Duhaney, 2000), claims that (ATT) has a positive impact and is beneficial in improving student learning,
provided teachers are trained in using (ATT) in the context of instruction. (Duhaney & Duhaney, 2000) further states
that research indicates enhanced student achievement and student motivation using (ATT). (Forgrave, 2002) supports
these claims and also states that (ATT) builds students' strengths, confidence, and independence by compensating
for disabilities. It improves student reading, the organization of ideas, and writing skills, thereby increasing self-
esteem and independence.
Using (ATT) Text to Speech (TTS), Intel Reader, Kurzweil 2000, Graphic organizers, Draft Builder, Assistive Listening
Systems, Proofreading Software, or Ginger has the potential to improve functional capabilities in my ecosystem. The
challenge of cost needs to be addressed and buy-in from key stakeholders is key. A strategy including upskilling of
teachers and parents, using a single tool that addresses (SEN), and tracking progress through the school LMS and