Page 8 - Microsoft Word - ESSAY with references.docx
P. 8
Currently, instruction is 100% online resulting in demotivated and passive learners. Different ability groups are not
catered for due to time constraints. Lack of varied activities due to time spent on lesson preparation and content. An
FC will support an active learning environment and individualized learning opportunities.
Teachers can focus on the evaluation of student progress, students can explore various aspects of the curriculum and
achieve mastery in their learning. The use of various resources encourages deeper learning. Group interaction
increased student responsibility for learning, and varied teaching strategies will enhance the learning environment.
My ecosystem has well-developed IT infrastructure and LMS functionality. This creates an opportunity for data
analysis for tracking student progress and analytics, which will inform instruction. The FC uses components of blended
learning, Project-based learning, Team-based learning technology, 21st-century skills, and deep learning which
constitute an MLE.