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Automation Fact Sheet                                                          November 2021

       Verifying Uploaded Customer Images (Page 1 of 3)

       On the Dashboard, Agents will have the ability to review the document images that were uploaded by the Customer.

       Agents will use the Status value of “READY” to know that the package has been signed and imaged uploaded by the
       Customer. The READY status means this package is READY for image validation by the Agent.

       READY Status =

       PENDING Status is the same hourglass, however the color is faded. See below for an example of the PENDING status. (The
       image also has the “tool tip” display which appears when you hover over the image.

                                         Status = PENDING
                                         This means that the Customer has not completed

                                         updating their images. Signing may be completed and
                                         signed documents downloaded

                              Status = READY           Green = All Signing completed         To view Images, Scroll down

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