Page 5 - Learning and Development SOP Handbook
P. 5




      All Instructional Designers and Trained Content Developers must be trained on how to
      create content and questions using the Axonify platform. If an employee has not been
      trained on the Axonify methodology, he/she is not permitted to use the platform for
      content development.

      The VP of L&D will approve all content designers. To learn more about course creation

      in Axonify, go to:

     The IDs have the primary responsibility for creating content on the LMS platform. They
     are also responsible for the organizational set-up of the primary architecture of the
     system. New courses that need to be developed through other software platforms (e.g.

     Articulate), then added to Axonify, will be created and curated by the IDs.

     Less complex materials (e.g. exam question creation, survey question development) can
     be created by Trained Content Developers to provide content based on Subject Matter
     Expertise and immediate need.
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