Page 103 - Organizational Project Management
P. 103

Appendix E


                 Assessment: Detailed


                 The steps of applying OPM3 in an organization are presented in Chapter 6.
                 The second part of Step Two, Comprehensive Assessment, contains several
                 detailed sub-steps, which are explained below:
                 ■ Use the Best Practice pages copied from the Improvement Planning Direc-
                   tory as checklists to document the paths to maturity for each Best Prac-
                   tice. These pages will provide, in a logical sequential order, the
                   Capabilities to be evaluated and a space for marking whether each nec-
                   essary Outcome has been observed.
                 ■ In the Capabilities Directory, look up each Capability identified on the
                   selected Best Practice pages from the Improvement Planning Directory,
                   to see the description of the corresponding Outcomes (with their Key
                   Performance Indicators and Metrics). Do this by referring to the identi-
                   fication numbers assigned to each Capability in the Improvement Plan-
                   ning Directory, which identify the corresponding Best Practice number
                   in the initial four digits. Locate the Best Practice in the Capabilities Direc-
                   tory and, in turn, the required Capabilities. Then, the Outcomes can be
                   evaluated in the order presented, using the Key Performance Indicator
                   and Metrics shown. If an Outcome and its Key Performance Indicator are
                   determined to exist in the organization, make an annotation on the
                   worksheet from the Improvement Planning Directory in the space pro-
                 ■ This process continues until all Outcomes have been evaluated for the
                   Capability in question. Then, return to the Improvement Planning Direc-
                   tory checklist to identify the next Capability in the sequence, and repeat
                   the process.
                 ■ As the organization evaluates the Capabilities listed on each Improve-
                   ment Planning Directory checklist—Outcome by Outcome—it will likely
                   find Outcomes that have not been observed. The user can include these
                   in the improvement plan to be assembled after concluding the evalua-
                   tion. An organization may exercise judgment in deciding whether or not

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