Page 7 - Scoop October 2021
P. 7
THE SCOOP October 2021
1. Why is Yubikey Needed?
A Yubikey is used to increase security when you enter your network password when logging on to email and other
DDS applications. Yubikey is integrated with Okta. Your Okta account can be managed through your email.
2. Does the YubiKey need to be plugged in to your computer all the time?
No, only when you’re prompted onscreen for YubiKey authentication. (It can be left connected to your PC if you prefer.)
3. Can the YubiKey be used on more than one computer?
Yes. If you log into a new machine to access email or other DDS applications that use Okta for log in security, your Yu-
biKey will work on that machine as well.
4. Will you be prompted to authenticate via YubiKey every time you open an Office 365 tool like Word or Excel?
No, the other O365 tools share the same “token” as email, so you will not see additional login requirements.
5. Will you be prompted to re-authenticate each time you return to an Office 365 tool to continue working?
No, you will not be prompted each time you return to Office 365.
6. Do you need to be signed into SSL VPN first before accessing Office 365 tools like email?
No, you do not need to use SSL VPN to access O365 tools. If you are a VPN uses, you will be prompted for your Yubikey.
7. Yubikey not working or being recognized:
-Make sure to insert the Yubikey with the gold button UP
-Make sure the cursor is in the YubiKey password/verification field and then press the gold button
-When prompted, hold the touch the gold button on the YukKey for at least 5 seconds.
-Make sure the YubiKey is assigned to you
-Press the gold button on the Yubikey for at least 5 seconds
-Ensure you are using your Yubikey, each one is configured just for your use.
-If YubiKey MFA has been reset, a new YubiKey has to be issued and user will need to re-register
- The same YubiKey cannot be re-registered, it must to be replaced/reconfigured
8. I forgot my Yubikey, can I use my co-workers Yubikey to log in?
No, ensure you are using the Yubikey that is assigned to you; each Yubikey is configured just for your use.
9. What do I do if I lose my YubiKey?
Please contact GETS 877-482-3233. GETS will replace the YubiKey. If you find your Yubikey later, please return to IT.
10. Any future plans for DDS Applications and Yubikey?
Yes, GTA is working on integrating Yubikey authentication your Network Login.