Page 8 - Scoop October 2021
P. 8



          Congratulations to our Team Members who have achieved promotions!

               Name                                Dept Descr                          Job Code Desc
               Peeples,Kayla S                     CDL Compliance                      Marketing Spec 3
               Carroll,Sheridan M                  Finance Division                    Payroll Tech 2
               Cassie,Elena Paula                  Self Service Licensing              Customer Svc Rep 2
               Alonso,Renee Ann                    Ent Sys - Driver Record Monito      Sr. Mgr, Info Technology
               Holmes,Jennifer M                   CSC 24 - NEWNAN                     Driver Examiner 2
               Smith,Rubiera A                     CSC 37 - CUMMING                    Driver Examiner 2
               Allen,Lexxie K                      CSC 92 - ELBERTON                   Driver Examiner 2
               Stephens,Jessica L                  CSC #97 - CDL Travel Team           Driver Examiner 2
               Edem,Orok Ekpenyong                 License Issuance - Special Pro      Busi Support Analyst 2
               Ishola,Michael                      License Issuance - Special Pro      Busi Support Analyst 2
               Holman,Juenesse Walton              Driver training/third party te      Mgr 3, Social Svcs
               Jaramillo,Adonia A                  CSC 5 - Dalton                      CSC Supervisor 3
               Simpson,Josalin Shanice             CSC 36 - DOUGLAS                    Driver Examiner 2
               Vazquez Malone,Taylor Michelle      CSC # 49 - DALLAS                   CSC Supervisor 1
               Burke,Cathy S                       CSC 56 - MARIETTA                   CSC Supervisor 1
               Robinson,Yolanda R                  CSC 94 - LOCUST GROVE               Driver Examiner 2
               Kante,Afoussata                     CSC 50 - ATLANTA                    Driver Examiner 2

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