Page 5 - HSSE Contractor Requirement
P. 5

                                                                                                   EDITION 01

            1.  INTRODUCTION
                   This Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) Requirements are mandatory requirements for
                   the contractors that are appointed by Allo Technology to perform Works/ Services. Such contractors
                   shall  ensure  that  all  their  personnel,  sub-contractors,  consultants,  and  other  related  parties  are
                   contractually bound to comply with this HSSE Requirements in order to ensure full compliance to HSSE
                   requirements in performing Works/ Services under Allo Technology Sdn. Bhd.

                   Failure by the contractors to comply with this HSSE requirements shall be considered as a default or
                   breach of contract under the contract between the contractors and Allo. In addition to Allo’s right
                   under the contract in relation to default/ breach of contract, Allo shall also have the right to suspend or
                   stop the performance of any Works/ Services at contractor’s cost and time.

                   All cost in relation to compliance with this HSSE Requirements shall be borne by the contractors which
                   includes in the contract as well.

            2.  OBJECTIVES
               2.1.  The objectives of the Health, Safety, Security and Environmental (HSSE) requirements are to ensure
                   a.  adequate preventive measures are taken by the Contractor to minimize risk of incidents which
                       could endanger the life of personnel, cause damage to properties and environment.
                   b.  all  incidents,  no  matter  how  trivial,  must  be  reported  to  the  immediate  supervisor  and  the
                       Employer’s representative.
                   c.  any work carried out by the Contractor’s personnel must be in accordance with the approved
                       Permit to Work wherever applicable.
                   d.  the Contractor's personnel are issued and equipped with approved personal protective equipment
                       suitable for the task being carried out and adequate first aid facilities are available at all times.
                   e.  the Contractor's machinery, tools and equipment, facilities and other items associated with or
                       utilized in the work are safe and/or certified for the intended operation.
                   f.  the Contractor maintains a proper and good housekeeping at all times during the course of work.

               2.2.  Additional Provisions for Compliance with HSSE Management Requirements
                   These  Additional  Provisions  shall  specifically  apply  to  HSSE  matters  only.  For  any  inconsistencies
                   between the terms of the contract and the terms herein, the terms stated herein shall take precedent
                   on HSSE matters only.

                   a)    Suspension
                      I.   The Employer shall have the right, to suspend the work or any part thereof to the extent as
                          determined by the Employer, for any of the following reasons:
                          a.  in the event of default/non-compliance on the part of the Contractor; or
                          b.  in the event that suspension is necessary for the proper execution or safety of the work,
                              or persons; or
                          c.  any other reasons deem fit by the Employer
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