Page 9 - HSSE Contractor Requirement
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                                                                                                   EDITION 01

                       IV.   Road Transport Act 1987
                       V.    Employees’ Social Security (General) Act 1969 and Regulations
                       VI.   Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988 and Regulations
                      VII.   Other related laws and regulations
                      VIII.   Relevant Allo & TNB HSSE Guidelines and Requirements
                       IX.   The Employer’s procedures, circulars, instruction, and guidelines which are applicable to
                             the works being carried out.
                   b)   The Contractor shall comply at all times with the requirements as set forth by the Employer in its
                        Health, Safety, Security and Environment HSSE policy, safe operating procedure/standards, any
                        special instructions, and all requirements stipulated by the Employer. These requirements are
                        intended to supplement any known or ought to be known laws and regulations applicable to the
                        works being carried out.
                   c)   The contractor shall be fully responsible to search and identify all relevant applicable laws and
                        regulations being enforced by the regulatory bodies and to strictly adhered to them.
                   d)   The  Contractor  shall  take  all  necessary  HSSE  precautions  related  to  or  arising  out  of  the
                        performance of the Contractor in order to protect the work, the personnel, environment and
                        asset of the Employer.
                   e)   The employer has the right to audit the contractor at their work location, office or warehouse.

               4.5.  Contractor’s Responsibilities
                   a)   General
                        For the purpose of this document, ‘competent person’ shall be defined as one who is capable of
                        identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are
                        unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt
                        corrective measures to eliminate them.
                         I.   The Contractor agrees to accept all responsibilities for the health and safety of its workers
                              and  its  sub-contractor’s  workers;  to  meet the  intent  of  the  Employer’s  Health,  Safety,
                              Security  and  Environment  HSSE  policy;  to  provide  supervisors  that  are  qualified  and
                              competent in Health, Safety, Security and Environment HSSE matters; to provide direct
                              supervision of new or untrained workers, as necessary to support safe work; and to explain
                              the Health, Safety, Security and Environment HSSE regulations to all employees at the site
                              and ensure that they comply with them.
                              a.  The Contractor shall take accident prevention methods to prevent incident or serious
                                 incident at the site.
                              b.  The Contractor shall be further responsible to ensure that all its or its subcontractors
                                 adhere to the requirements specified herein.
                              c.  The Contractor shall be required at all times to co-operate with the Employer and to
                                 rectify  immediately  any  matters  brought  to  the  Contractor’s  attention.  Failure  to
                                 rectify  any  substandard  act  or  condition  shall entitle  the  Employer  to  make  other
                                 arrangements and shall allow the Employer to deduct any associated cost from the
                                 contract sum.
                              d.  The Contractor shall be responsible to maintain all safety records and checklists.
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