Page 11 - HSSE Contractor Requirement
P. 11

                                                                                                   EDITION 01

                   e)   Skilled Construction Workers
                        Contractor shall ensure that no skilled construction workers shall be involved or engaged or
                        undertake to be involved or engaged as a skilled construction worker unless he is accredited and
                        certified by CIDB and holds a valid certificate issued by CIDB. Skilled construction workers are
                        those specified in the Third Schedule of Lembaga Pembangunan Industri Pembinaan Malaysia
                        Act 1994.

                   f)   Construction Personnel
                        Contractor shall ensure that no construction site supervisor shall be involved or engaged or
                        undertake to be involved or engaged as a construction site supervisor unless he is accredited and
                        certified by CIDB and holds a valid certificate issued by CIDB throughout the project period.

               4.6.  Right to Stop Work
                   a)   The Employer’s representative shall have the right to prohibit commencement of any works or
                        stop  any  works  in  progress  if  the  personnel,  environment,  equipment  and/or  asset  are
                        considered at the Employer’s discretion to be of imminent danger and/or non-compliance with
                        any applicable rules, regulations and procedures.
                   b)   Stoppage of the work shall be at the Contractor’s expense until the Contractor has satisfactorily
                        rectified such unsafe acts and condition. In the event of serious or repeated infringements, the
                        Employer  may  terminate  the  contract  without  compensation  and/or  impose  the  applicable

               4.7.  Non-Conformance Reports
                   a)   The  Contractor  is  to  respond  formally  to  any  Health,  Safety,  Security  and  Environment
                        instructions, Non-Conformance Report (NCR), site instruction, etc. highlighting areas of non-
                        compliance issued by the Employer within the time frame stipulated.
                   b)   Should the Contractor fail to close out any NCRs as required, or if the non-compliance is deemed
                        a serious enough threat, then the Employer may at its discretion, instruct the associated works
                        to be and/or suspended for indefinite time until such times as the Contractor is compliant, in
                        which case the Contractor shall have no recourse to claim for any costs or extension of time
                        associated with the work stoppage.
                   c)   Should there be any unclosed NCRs at the time of the monthly evaluation for the Contractor’s
                        interim progress claim, the Employer reserves the right not to certify works associated with the
                        NCR until such time as the NCR is closed out.
               4.8.  HSSE Meetings with the Employer
                   a)    Kick off Meeting
                        An important part of the HSSE policy is a meeting between the Contractor and the Employer
                        specifically on the subject of HSSE, to be held before the commencement of work on site. At this
                        meeting, the Contractor shall present a detailed method statement incorporating safe systems
                        of work and explain how HSSE will be managed and controlled throughout the duration of the
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