Page 16 - HSSE Contractor Requirement
P. 16

                                                                                                   EDITION 01

                              discussions conducted at site and properly recorded (i.e.: AIR review, pollution control
                         II.   The Contractor shall develop and implement an Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
                              that details the practice, procedures and counter measure for effective management of
                              environmental impact, as required by the relevant provisions under the Environmental
                              Quality Act, 1974 and its regulations there under or as instructed by the Employer.
                        III.   The EMP shall address but not limited to waste management (inventories and disposal
                              plan),  relevant  approval  by  authorities,  implementation  of  recommended  mitigation
                              measures  and  environmental  audit  program.  The  EMP  shall  be  available  before  the
                              commencement of the project.
                        IV.   For  those  wastes  prescribed  as  Scheduled  Wastes  under  the  Environmental  Quality
                              (Scheduled  Wastes)  Regulation  2005  they  shall  be  properly  managed  in  the  handling,
                              labelling,  storing,  inventories  and  transport  for  treatment  or  disposal  at  prescribed
                              premises in accordance with the aforesaid regulations.

                   c)   Daily Toolbox Talk
                         I.   The Contractor shall perform daily toolbox meeting prior to the start of shift/work.
                         II.   The Contractor shall ensure that its appointed works supervisor hold toolbox meeting for
                              about  5-10  minutes  daily  or  prior  to  each  shift.  Specific  topics  shall  include  hazards
                              relevant to current activities. It will include sharing of incidents, HSSE alert and near misses
                              related to the activities.
                        III.   The toolbox meeting shall be headed by different personnel within the workgroup.
                        IV.   The Contractor shall maintain records of attendance and shall submit the same to the
                              Employer upon request.
                        V.    The toolbox talk shall address the requirement of HSSE rules and procedures (including
                              MS, JSA, HIRARC, ERP, PTW and policies) related to the Works to be carried out and as per
                              current Works at site.

                   d)   HSSE Awareness Program
                         I.   Contractor shall provide regular HSSE awareness program such as HSSE campaign, fliers,
                              posters, banners, notices, HSSE performance board etc. to instil HSSE awareness amongst
                              workers. Contractor is required to support and instilled the HSSE culture in the works.
                         II.   All HSSE awareness program record must be kept at site and accessible by The Employer
                              for review.

               4.14.      Safety, Health and Welfare
                   a)   Resting Area
                         I.   No food or drinks shall be consumed in any working area. The contractor shall provide a
                              suitable and safe shaded area for his workers for them to rest and eat during breaks.
                              Sufficient clean drinking water supply shall be provided by the contractor on site for his
                         II.   Alcoholic drinks and dangerous drugs are strictly prohibited on construction premises.
                              Possession of such items constitutes an offence and is liable to prosecution.
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