Page 17 - HSSE Contractor Requirement
P. 17

                                                                                                   EDITION 01

                   b)   Prayer Room
                         I.   Where applicable, the contractor shall provide prayer room for the use of site personnel.
                              Neither sleeping nor loitering is allowed and cleanliness of the place is always to be made
                              a priority.

                   c)   Workers’ Accommodation
                         I.   No worksite or premises are allowed to be used as worker’s accommodation. There shall
                              be no direct access from worker’s accommodation to any part or portion of the worksite.
                              Contractor shall comply in accordance to Workers' Minimum of Housing and Amenities
                              (Amendment) Act 2019.

                   d)   Security Guard
                         I.   Where  applicable,  the  contractor  shall  engage  security  guard  with  a  licensed  security
                              company.  All  requirements  by the Ministry of  Internal  Affairs with  regards  to  security
                              matters must always be complied with.

                   e)   Entry and Exit
                         I.   All  workers  and  their  vehicles  shall  be  subjected  to  100%  security  checks  by  security
                              personnel upon entry, within the premises and upon leaving the Allo or TNB’s premises. A
                              dedicated logbook shall be made available to record such movements.
                         II.   The contractor shall ensure that the means of entering and leaving of such construction
                              site are safe and not harmful to health. Contractor shall comply with permit to enter
                              procedures prior entering all Allo premises.

                   f)   Fencing and Hoarding
                         I.   The contractor shall ensure the worksite should be fully barricaded by protective hoarding
                              so that the public would be protected from Works in progress. The hoarding should be
                              able to protect not only public from dangers within the site but also act as barrier or
                              security to prevent persons from trespassing into the site. It should be properly designed
                              and constructed in accordance with the specification of the local authority and should be
                              maintained in good condition.
                         II.   There should be an adequate safety distance between the worksite and the hoarding. All
                              construction materials should be stored and handled within the hoarded area. Structures
                              of construction machinery should be so located within the hoarded area that if the
                              structures were to collapse, the safety of the public is not affected.

               4.15.      Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
                          The Contractor shall at its own cost, supply its personnel and its subcontractor’s personnel
                          employed in connection with the works with adequate PPE and maintain enforcement on the
                          use  of  such  PPE.  The  Contractor  shall  provide  all  PPE  in  accordance  with  DOSH  approve

                          The  Contractor  and  its  subcontractors  shall  not  charge  its  personnel  for  such  PPE.  The
                          Contractor shall conduct training on the proper usage of PPE.
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