Page 15 - HSSE Contractor Requirement
P. 15

                                                                                                   EDITION 01

                          Where a new training becomes necessary due to statutory or regulatory requirements, the
                          cost thereof shall be wholly borne by the Contractor.

                   c)   Site Induction Training
                          Site Induction training for all workers shall be conducted by contractor’s SHO or SSS personnel.

                   d)   Training Record
                          The Contractor shall maintain a training record and shall be kept at site for inspection and
                          audits by Allo from time to time.

               4.12.      Liability for Nuisance
                   a)     The Contractor shall be solely responsible in carrying out the works and during the progress of
                          the works for any damage, accident, annoyance, nuisance or disturbance that may arise to any
                          existing premises, owners or occupiers of adjoining properties by any of the operations arising
                          from the carrying out of the works under the contract.
                   b)     The Contractor shall be responsible for restricting his workmen to the site of the works only
                          and shall prevent trespassing into adjoining properties and he shall undertake to reinstate and
                          make good all damages and indemnify the Employer against all claims for damages from the
                   c)     The  Contractor  shall  take  into  consideration  in  his  completion  timeline;  complaints  from
                          adjacent owners and consequential stoppages of work resulting therefrom.

               4.13.      Communication
                          Effective  communications  are  vital  to  the  successful  implementation  of  the  Project  HSSE
                          Management Plan. Communications objective is to improve understanding of HSSE matters.
                          Contractor shall propose its overall strategy for communications of all matters relevant to HSSE
                          both within the Works organizations at site and external parties.

                   a)   Site Safety & Health Committee Meeting
                         I.   Contractor shall establish Site Safety & Health Committee with sub-contractors on monthly
                              basis to discuss on HSSE Matters and shall be based on the provisions of the Factory and
                              Machinery (Building Operation and Work of Engineering Construction) (Safety) Regulation
                         II.   The chairman, secretary, employer representative and employee representative for Site
                              Safety  &  Health  committee  shall  consist  of  senior  member  of  the  main  contractor's
                              personnel at site, the site safety supervisor, all the contractor's safety supervisors and such
                              other site workers who are appointed as members. Minutes of meeting must be circulated
                              to all members within 2 weeks. All minute of meetings shall be kept at project site office
                              and accessible by Allo for review.

                   b)   Environmental Matters
                         I.   For any Works to be conducted at site, any environmental issue or matters need to be
                              taken  into  consideration.  This  shall  be  executed  through  any  form  of  meetings  or
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