Page 8 - HSSE Contractor Requirement
P. 8

                                                                                                   EDITION 01


               4.1.  Allo Technology HSSE Policy
                   a)   The Employer is committed to maintain safe and healthy working conditions for its employees,
                        the Contractor’s employees and the general public and shall ensure that its work practices and
                        procedures meet or exceed all applicable legislation(s) related to HSSE. The Employer expects
                        the Contractor and Subcontractors to actively contribute to the Employer’s HSSE programmes.

               4.2.  Contractor HSSE Policy
                   a)   The Contractor shall acknowledge the Employer’s strong commitment to HSSE and affirm that it
                        has an HSSE Policy which is at least of a standard comparable to the Employer’s HSSE Policy and
                        which has been updated and signed by the Contractor’s top management.
                   b)   The Contractor shall establish, implement, and maintain and as often as may be appropriate
                        revise a written statement of his general policy with respect to the Occupational Safety & Health
                        at Work as required by Section 16, Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994.
                   c)   The Policy shall describe the contractor’s Occupational Safety & Health philosophy and objectives
                        and shall contain the following as minimum:
                         a.  Leadership commitment to Occupational Safety & Health
                         b.  Commitment to prevent accident and ill-health
                         c.  Commitment to comply with related Occupational Safety & Health Acts and Regulations
                         d.  Commitment for continual improvement
                   d)   Contractor  shall  ensure  that  their  policy  is  widely  communicated  and  understood  by  his
                        personnel  including  his  subcontractors.  Policy  statement  shall  be  dated  and  signed  by  the
                        contractor’s top management.

               4.3.  Drug and Alcohol
                   a)   The use, sale, dispensing or possession of drugs, narcotics and alcoholic beverages is prohibited
                        on the worksite and at any place where the work is performed.
                   b)   The Contractor shall ensure that its personnel do not at any time, during the performance of the
                        work, partake, brought onto the worksite, or be under the influence of any alcoholic liquor, drug
                        or other intoxicating substance. This prohibition also covers all legal or prescription drugs which
                        may impair an employee’s ability to perform his job safely.
                   c)   Employees who are caught using or in possession of drugs shall be discharged from the worksite.
                        The Employer reserves the right to randomly require the Contractor’s employee, to undergo drug
                        test at any time. Drugs test may be used in the event of accident investigation. The Contractor
                        undertakes that each and every person engaged by it or on its behalf to perform any element of
                        the  work  (including  the  subcontractor)  shall  be  advised  of  the  local  laws  relating  to  the
                        importation and/ or possession of drugs.

               4.4.  Compliance to Laws/Regulations/Employer Requirements
                   a)    The Contractor shall comply with all the following applicable acts and regulations, guidelines
                        and best practices but not limited to:
                        I.   Occupational Safety and Health Act, 1994
                        II.   Environmental Quality Act 1974
                       III.   Maritime laws and guidelines
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