Page 65 - Let's Practice NUTRI-LIVING TAI CHI Excercises
P. 65

Thái Cực Dưỡng Sinh                                                                       Ðỗ Quang-Vinh

               21- Move Taichi: (fig.1-8)                                         and stretched left leg. While you’re stand up to drop the right
                   a-  Open the palms to embrace the big ball revolving           foot,  lower  the  right  hand  curving  down  at  the  left  hip  like
                   b-  Left  foot  still  sticking  to  the  ground,  your  right  toes  you’re revolving the ball clockwise, now the transition becomes
               inched up a bit, then twist both the right and left toes counter-  you’re embracing the small ball at the l eft hip.
               clock  until  the  two  feet  parallel  each  other.  At  this  time,  you      c-  After the “Right Climbing Mountain” Stance was formed,
               have  accomplished  a  half  circle  of  twisting  waist  to  face  the   lower  the left ha nd while raising the right hand up,  and then
               North,  now  slowly  enter  the  posture  of  “Sitting  on  Crossed   push them towards the front before the chest
                   c-  While twisting waist, keep your hands in the posture of
               holding the ball seemingly you were revolving the Tai Chi Circle       (9)                 (10)             (11)                                        (12)
               towards the North, the initial position. Note that even when you
               were  in  the  “Sitting  on  Crossed  Legs”  Stance, both your arms
               still  parallel  each  other  as  you’re  embracing  the  ball,  means
               embrace the whole universe into your heart.

                                                                                  23- Carry Tiger to the Mountain: (Fig.13-20)
                                                                                     a-  Turn over the palms so that the right palm is upon the
                                                                                  left palm, both holding the small ball
                                                                                      b- Pull backward the two hands at the left hip while folding
                                                                                  the rear knee and stretching the front leg to enter the “Fourth-
                           (1)                            (2)                         (3)                      (4)   Six Stance”

                                                                                     (13)                (14)            (15)               (16)
                               (5)        (6)                       (7)            (8)

               22- Play the Guitar:  (fig.9-12)
                   a-  Stand up from the posture of “Sitting on Crossed Legs”
               embracing Tai Chi. Drop the right foot towards the rear at the
               East forming with the left foot a 130 degree angle.
                   c-  Use left heel as axis to swivel left toes clockwise to enter        (17)                       (18)             (19)             (20)
               the “Right Climbing Mountain” Stance with the folded right knee

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