Page 61 - Let's Practice NUTRI-LIVING TAI CHI Excercises
P. 61
Thái Cực Dưỡng Sinh Ðỗ Quang-Vinh
b- Left heel on tiptoe, swivel left toes counter-clock a 45 11- Grasp the Sparrow’s Tail (4 postures):
degree angle in order to point the left toes aiming towards the a- Stand up to enter the “False Stance” by raising the left
initial North, at the same time, raise right heel on tiptoe to heel on tiptoe and placing left toes beside the right heel, while
sweep an arc of 90 degree counter-clock. two hands embracing the ball at the left waist
c- Again, swivel the left heel a 90 degree angle counter- b- Then, do the postures “Ward-Off, Roll-Back, Press, Push”
clock to point the left toes aiming towards the South, at the of the “Right Grasp Sparrow’s Tail” Stance at the North.
same time, the right toes follow also to swivel a 90 degree
angle counter-clock, at this moment two feet are parallel each
other, then finally lower body down to form the posture of
“sitting on crossed legs” (fig. 1-9)
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