Page 12 - December
P. 12
The stage of project preparation is the formalization of the task of conducting It is necessary to provide for the possibility of creating focus groups within the logistics
logistics engineering. The content and order of work during this stage are engineering team, local mini-groups for delegating authority to team members to work in
characterized by the following: certain areas. The appointment of leaders of focus groups and promising directions for the
● the goals and objectives of the project are formulated to solve the problems implementation of the project comes from among the most professional members of the logistics
of manufacturing high quality castings for a specific purpose. It is possible engineering team.
to use the technology of target management, which provides for The next stage is the direct use of the project. The content and order of work during this
the formulation of goals and the construction stage are characterized by the study and analysis of the situation, the internal potential of the
of a tree of goals: the main goal is divided into enterprise. At this stage of project management, an integrated assessment
sub-goals, the totality of the implementation of the degree of influence of the entire set of external and internal factors
of which ensures the achievement of the identified during the analysis of the situation is made. Various goals, ideas,
required overall result. Each individual subgoal suggestions, needs, opportunities, assumptions, constraints directly
is broken down into subgoals. Practice shows related to the implementation of the project, object-oriented models of
that there should be three to five such levels of engineering logistics intended to be used are evaluated, options for the
fragmentation. optimal choice of an information system are discussed. Matrices are
Typically, the lower level represents a specific task to complete; developed and filled in: functions of the enterprise
● the appearance of an administrative document (for example, an order for an enterprise) on - organizational and functional structure -
the conduct of engineering logistics is initiated; business processes. Measures are being taken
● special working bodies are formed to manage the project and its implementation - the to diagnose the activities of the enterprise,
managing board, the executive board. scenarios are considered and proposals are
The main tasks of these bodies may be: developed to visualize the image of the future foundry complex.
● definition of strategic goals and objectives for the implementation of the project; The purpose of the conceptual design and planning
● identification of priorities for the implementation and implementation of the project; of logistics engineering is to identify the business goals of the
● clarification of information, analytical and structural and functional features in the organization as a whole, including the enterprise, its subsidiaries
implementation of the project as a whole for the enterprise in relation to its structural units - (dependent) enterprises, to describe the basic technological process
subsidiaries; of the enterprise. At this stage, the development of detailed plans
● approval of fundamental design solutions for reforming enterprise management systems; for the organization of work within the project is being carried out.
● establishing control over the implementation of the project; It is necessary to plan the main stages of the project, the timing of
● analysis of organizational, methodological and technological problems and making fundamental their implementation, predict the resource costs for the implementation
decisions on them; of each stage and the cost of each stage. The logistics engineering team is approved by the
● determination and approval of the staff of executive managers for project implementation. budget for project implementation, deadlines and network schedules of work at each stage.
The governing council should include: the head of the governing council - the head of the For the existence and stable economic position of a diversified enterprise, cooperation
enterprise or his first deputy, members of the governing council: heads of the main divisions of of specialists in production, trade and financial activities is necessary. Therefore, the object of
the enterprise, heads of subsidiaries (dependent) enterprises on the topic being introduced, the analysis is the relationship that ensures the balanced, balanced functioning of those elements
project manager. of a single organization. This assessment is an integral part of the entire process of continuous
For direct and operational management of the project, an executive board is usually training, advanced training, professionalism of personnel, and is carried out at all stages of the
formed, the main tasks of which may be: activity of each member of the team of the foundry complex and the enterprise as a whole.
● implementation of operational planning and ongoing control over the implementation of the Management responsibility can be divided between different organizational units and concentrated
project; in one manager (Fig. 1).
● ensuring methodological, organizational and technological unity of design solutions; It should be noted that there may be some deviations from this scheme in the organization
● definition of uniform project standards (each stage of the project corresponds to a package of of engineering logistics management, but such an organization is the most typical.
documents and a register of tasks that need to be solved); Engineering logistics managers have a direct impact on production functions. This organizational
● initiating the creation of working groups to address important substantive issues; structure coordinates all management functions. The centralization
● management of working groups; of the management of the engineering logistics system creates a
● introduction of control over the quality of work execution at each stage; mechanism within the functional cooperation in the organizational
● preparation of messages, reports, reports, questions, formation of an agenda for meetings structure of the foundry and the entire enterprise. This allows
of the governing council. you to remove many conflicts between different departments.
The executive board includes: the head of the executive board (project manager - In addition, centralization provides certain benefits in the field
chairman), heads of project and working groups, technical manager of project implementation. of logistics engineering, more efficient analysis of production
In accordance with the orders of the executive board, working groups are formed (a team to costs. The degree of centralization depends on the product
ensure logistics engineering) for analysis, development of methods and mechanisms for solving mix and the market environment. The foundry engineering
the problem, implementation of recommendations for improving the project. It seems expedient logistics system interacts with many of the enterprise's
to create a matrix management structure a project based on the principle of a reasonable management functions, such as marketing, manufacturing,
combination of management efficiency, the minimum number of personnel and its sufficiency pricing, etc.
to perform the assigned tasks. Ensure that the logistics engineering team includes employees
from all major departments of the plant or company.
It is important to foresee in advance the feasibility and procedure for including
representatives of independent auditing, engineering, consulting, legal and other companies
in the team: stages, specific types of work are determined, and deadlines are planned for the
execution of work by the involved specialists.
12 Stanochniy park Stanochniy park 13