Page 16 - December
P. 16

METALWORKING EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS                                                                                                                                                         METALWORKING EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS

        RELIABILITY OF TOOLS WITH CARBIDE COMPOSITE                                                                                                                                           technological  mode.  In  this case,  although
                                                                                                                                                                                              the  coefficients  of  variation  of  the  tool  life
                            COATINGS                                                                                                                                                          with coatings have low values, they have a

                                     The  industrial applicability  of  tools made  using  new  technologies  is                                                                              rather noticeable effect on the real average
                              determined by the stability of their operating conditions, that is, the reliability                                                                             statistical tool life, and with a large production
                              carrying out a technological operation. Studies of the properties of carbide                                                                                    program, this provision must be taken into
                                         coatings with intermediate copper-nickel films, made by electric pulse                                                                               account.
                                           technologies, show that, along with high wear resistance, they are                                                                                        The  total statistical durability T0.9  is
                                                   characterized by increased fragility and high sensitivity to                                                                               lower  than  the  average  durability  T.  When
                                                    sharp cyclic changes in temperature and load. In practice,                                                                                processing  stainless steels,  the  actual
                                                    the stability of the performance properties of coated tools                                                                               durability  decreases  by  25  ...  35%.  If,
                                                    can be characterized by the standard deviation σ or the                                                                                   when  choosing  the  processing  modes,  it is
                                                  coefficient of variation Kvar of tool life. Tool life in this case                                                                          necessary to guarantee the tool life with a
                                                is considered as the time of failure-free operation with a given                                                                              given level of probability (Tr / Tн), then the
                                                probability P, which for a metal-working tool must be at least                                                                                cutting  speed  can  be  determined  from  the
                                                0.9.                                                                                                                                          dependence, where
                                                   Industrial tests of high speed pen drills and coated circular
                                                    cut-off  tools  show  that  tool  life  stability  with  Kvar  ≤  0.2                                                                     Tн - standard period of durability;
                                                      can be considered good. With a Kvar of 0.2 ... 0.35, the                                                                                U - the standard cutting speed;
                                                       resistance stability can be considered satisfactory. When                                                                              m - indicator of relative durability: for steel
                                                        the coefficient of variation is outside 0.5, the process                                                                              0.2 ... 0.35, for marble 0.1 ... 0.15.
                                                         can  be  considered  unstable  and  measures  must  be
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Evaluation of the performance of tools

                                                         taken to improve the resistance indicators of the tools                 with coatings by the time of waste-free operation has a significant drawback as this method does
                                                         used.                                                                   not allow assessing the influence of each technological factor or mechanical characteristics of
                                                           To  a  large  extent,  the  coefficient  of  variation  of            the materials used separately. Therefore, from the point of view of the possibility of influencing
                                                         resistance is associated with the quality manufacture
                                                        of hard-alloy coating. In this case, the stability of the                the processing process, this method is not efficient enough.

                                                                                                                                        The relative change in the values of the input technological parameters is small, which
                                                       mechanical properties of multilayer coatings mainly fits
                                                      into the laws of the electrical potential of materials. The                makes it possible to use the principles of linearization of functions of random variables when
                                                                                                                                 finding the initial technique. An analysis of various methods for determining the mean time
                                                    creation  of  multilayer  intermediate  coatings  significantly
                                                  improves the sintering ability of the carbide powder to the                    between failures shows that in terms of identifying the dominant factors affecting a technological
                                              steel  substrate  of  traditional tool steels by  creating  a  large               operation, it is quite convenient to use graphical methods of evaluation using Pareto diagrams
                                                                                                                                 for express assessment. For a batch of 64 feather drills and 28 circular saws in the processing of
                                       diffusion zone that is more resistant to shock and bending loads.
                                     A statistical test of the performance of multilayer coatings has shown                      marble, granite, titanium alloy and stainless steels, when constructing the Lorenz curve, it was
                                                                                                                                 found that 80% of failures can be associated with changes in the deformation characteristics of
                                that these tools have not only greater durability, but also a lower coefficient
                                of  variation.  The  latter  is  due  to  a  significantly  greater  difference  in  the         the coating.
                                                                                                                                        The study of the deformation characteristics of coatings, which, other things being equal,
                               values  of  the  time of  wasteless  work (Tp) with  a  given  probability (0.9)                    characterize the durability of the material, was carried out by assessing the resistance of hard
        relative to the values medium durability (T). Experiments have shown that with an increase in                            alloys to plastic deformation in the area of developed plastic deformation. The change in the
        T 2.5 ... 3 times, T0.9 increased 5.4 times. The assessment was carried out according                                    residual stresses of the first kind in hard alloys was determined by the layer-by-layer etching
        to the dependence                                                                                                        method according to standard techniques.

        Тр = Т (1 - Uр •Кvar),

        where Uр − normal distribution quantile, for р = 0,9 Uр = 1,28.                                                          Table 1.1.

               In practice, for tools such as drills and saws, which are designed                                                Physical and mechanical properties of hard-alloy coatings.
        for dimensional processing within 12 ... 14 precision grades, this means
        5 ...  6 times the savings of  tools with  a
        simultaneous reduction in their cost for tool                                                                                Alloy coating grade         Flexural strength σизг      Compressive strength          Hardness HV, Mpа
        steels.                                                                                                                                                           MPа                       σсж MPа
               Insufficient     assessment       of    tool                                                                                  BK6                       1250/1600                   4800/5500                   11600/14300
        performance  only by  the  average  value                                                                                            ВК15                      1370/1800                   3200/3625                   9010/11280
        leads to overestimation of the average tool                                                                                          ТN20                      1230/1875                   3470/3640                    8730/9120
        life  values.  The  recommended  ranges  of
        cutting speeds were determined from the                                                                                   The denominator contains data for alloys with intermediate coatings.
        condition that the standard tool life when
        processing  steels is equal  to the  average
        tool life when working in the  selected

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