Page 20 - December
P. 20
In the course of further research in 1996-1997 One such universal rocket module is the on the main engine during the flight.
the concept of "Angara" was developed and refined. first stage of two types of light-class launch The design and characteristics of the
Given the current situation in the country, the Space vehicles created under the Angara program. As "KVRB" allow it to be used in conjunction not
Center named after M.V. Khrunichev proposed a the second stages on these two PH variants, only with the PH "Proton-M", but also with
strategy for the phased creation of a heavy-class oxidant conventionally called "Angara-1.1" and a number of existing and promising PH of
launch vehicle using a universal rocket module in its tank О2 "Angara-1.2", the central part of the upper medium and heavy classes "Angara", "Zenith",
composition. This new concept retains all the key ideas stage "Briz-M" and the rocket block based on etc. This will significantly increase the energy
of the original "Angara" version and develops new the "I" block created for the rocket are used, capabilities of these launch vehicles to launch
promising opportunities. respectively - carrier "Soyuz-2". heavy payloads into high energy orbits.
Now the system of launch vehicles "Angara" fuel tank The medium-class launch vehicle will be
began to cover carriers from a light class with a carrying H2 formed by adding two universal modules (as
capacity in low reference orbits of 2 - 3.7 tons to a the first stage) to the Angara-1.2 light-class Main characteristics of RB "KVRB":
heavy one with a carrying capacity of up to 24.5 tons, launch vehicle. dry weight - 3650 kg;
and subsequently up to 28 tons. The carrier of the heavy class "Angara-5A" weight of the filled components - 18200 kg;
The Angara launch vehicle family is based on has the first stage formed of five blocks based launch weight - up to 22,000 kg.
a universal rocket module (URM). It includes a block on a universal rocket module. Five engines of
of oxidizer and fuel tanks and an RD-191 engine. The the first stage are started at the same time at
module is made according to the "monoblock" scheme the start of the rocket, but subsequently the The KVRB block has a KVD1MZ engine
with supporting tanks. The single-chamber engine engine of the central block is throttled to 30% with a thrust in the void of 103 kN and a
RD-191, created at NPO Energomash, operates on of thrust and by the time the side modules are specific impulse of thrust in the void of 4611 N
kerosene / liquid oxygen components. This engine is a emptied it retains sufficient fuel reserves to * s / kg. Developed at the Design Bureau for
variant of the four-chamber engines RD-170 and RD- continue the flight. Chemical Engineering named after A.M. Isaev.
171, installed on the first stages of MC Energia and MC engine The emptied side modules are discarded The universal oxygen-hydrogen unit
Zenit-2, respectively, and the two-chamber engine RD- KVD1MZ and the center module is set to full thrust. "UKVB" is a stage of a launch vehicle equipped
180, created for MC Atlas. Its thrust at the ground is The use of universal rocket modules as with four engines of the KVD1MZ type, but
1923 kN, in the void - 2086 kN, the specific impulse of Fig. 2. "Breeze" upper stage part of launch vehicles and wide unification of with a single start in flight.
thrust on the Earth is 3048 N * s / kg, in the void –3306 elements with other PHs will sharply reduce The duration of the "UKVB" operation
N * s / kg. To ensure control of the launch vehicle in the cost of manufacturing and operating the in an independent flight is approximately 12
flight, the engine is fixed in a gimbal. Angara family of vehicles with high performance minutes.
The filling weight of one universal rocket module is up to 127 tons, dry weight - 8.0 tons. characteristics, which will ensure the necessary The UKVB, like the KVRB, are designed
The length of the URM is 23 m, the diameter is 2.9 m. These dimensions were chosen based on competitiveness in the world launch vehicle in such a way that, with minimal modifications,
the technological equipment available at the rocket and space plant. market. they can be used both in the "Proton-M" launch
The dimensions and characteristics of vehicle and in the "Angara" super-heavy class.
the universal rocket module make it possible
to consider the possibility of its use as part of
other launch vehicles, in particular, as part of Main characteristics of the UKVB block:
the Soyuz-2 PH. dry weight - 7350 kg;
As the second stage, either a stage based weight of the filled components - 44,000 kg;
on oxygen-kerosene components is considered, launch weight - up to 51,500 kg.
similar to that used on the Angara-1.2 carrier,
but with an increased supply of fuel components,
or a universal oxygen-hydrogen unit (UKVB),
the characteristics of which remain the same The current stage of creating new launch
as "UKVB" for the carrier "Proton-M2 ". vehicles has the following features:
Depending on the specific tasks on • layout (structural) diagrams can be formed
the medium and heavy class "Angara" in an optimal way, taking into account the
carriers, the use of additional stages is experience of the missile carrier operation;
provided: • a modular principle is used to reduce the time
• oxygen-hydrogen upper stage ("KVRB"); and cost of developing and operating missile
• upper stage from PH "Proton-M" - "Breeze-M". carrier samples;
• creation of launch vehicles based on universal
The payload is placed under a large-size rocket modules or basic elements;
head fairing with a diameter of 4.35-5.1 m. • while developing the modules and basic
The oxygen-hydrogen upper stage elements, components (engines, control
"KVRB" is a single-stage accelerator designed system, structure) are used that have optimal
for launching various spacecraft. The design of flight performance at the moment.
the "KVRB" allows you to perform many hours
of flight in outer space and to repeatedly turn
Fig. 3. System of launch vehicles "Angara"
20 Stanochniy park Stanochniy park 21