Page 19 - To share_Farrugia_Dissertation_Summary_
P. 19
Participant 1 - Italy (Transcript Analysis)
Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 Type 7 Type 8 Type 9 Type 10 Type 11 Type 12 Type 13 Type 14 Type 15 Type 16 Type 17 Type 18
Benefits Applications Disadvantages Sustainability Fertigation Viticulture Supply chain Vineyard General Marketing Profitability/ cost Corporate Social Customer Retail sector Data security
cycle management operations Responsibility services
BD Reducing time AI Applied robotics BD Weather conditions ( causing N/A Nil BD Use fertigation to help AI Cultivation of grapes N/A NIL N/A NIL BD Sales distribution BD Sales analysis BD Reduced time and cost - n/a nil BD To provide better Analytics Sales and export BD Operations data -
and cost AI internet connection issues) fertigate in difficult areas BD customer service secure clients
(new finding not found in information
AI* (Currently do not see a use for AI Use ai for general Analytics Wine production and BD Promotional selling - AI Assist with job BD Marketing sales
AI) does not see a long term agreculture operations marketing ( new finding not improvement
implentation for a small winery found in literature)
( seen as a fantacy for the
AI* Money (financial AI Use viticultre for dealing Analytics Campaing promotions AI Suitable for larger BD Sales and promotions
implementation issues) (reason with rough terrain preparation organisations
for not using)
BD Weed management for Analytics To enable the sales Analytics Decision making and
crops (new findings not projections/analysis sales analysis
found in literature)
Table 3: shows the interview findings from Italy participant no 1.
Participant 2 - Italy (Transcript Analysis)
Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 Type 7 Type 8 Type 9 Type 10 Type 11 Type 12 Type 13 Type 14 Type 15 Type 16 Type 17 Type 18
Benefits Applications Disadvantages Sustainability Fertigation Viticulture Supply chain Vineyard General operations Marketing Profitability/ Corporate Social Customer services Retail sector Data security
cycle management cost Responsibility
N/A NIL AI Applied ai - grape BD New findings water BD For crop science and BD Use for irrigation crops ( BD Crop management N/A NIL N/A NIL BD Administration BD Aid with marketing N/A NIL BD To harness wind and BD Compiling customer AI Winery production BD <Disadvantage>
quality management (new finding climate change drip irrigation management process water management profile does not secure
not found in literature) management) data
AI Robots - stones AI Cost of AI expense BD Water responcability via BD Optimise water AI Pesticide and spray AI Grape production Analytics Make marketing function BD Compose customer
selection using an app ( new management management more sustainable profile vs wine
finding not found in taste
AI AI - grape type AI No high returns to BD Management of pesticides Analytics Soil management AI Wine production
financially sustin the
implementation of AI
AI Fertiliser management Analytics sensors applied to AI Vineyard operations
evaluate status of tractor,
BD Water responcability via
using an app (new finding
not found in literature)
Table 4: shows the interview findings from Italy participant no 2.