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similarities  and  differences  and  identify  gaps.    Thematic  analysis
                     provides  a  summarisation  of  key  information,  providing  clear

                     structured data analysis.  However, Holloway & Todres, (2003) stated

                     that    thematic  analysis  flexibility  could            potentially  lead       to
                     inconsistencies when defining themes.

                     Thematic  grouping  –  gathering  and  grouping  relevant  subjects  into

                     themes derived from transcript coding shown in table 18, supported by
                     the  conceptual  framework  (figure  1).    This  is  supported  by  the

                     association between the identified interview coding (from transcripts)

                     and the conceptual framework (shown in table 3).

                     After conducting the interviews, the author created a set of transcripts

                     for each interview participant (shown in tables 19, 20, 21, 22).  Then,

                     the transcripts were used to create a theme coding key table (shown

                     in table 18).  A table for each participant was created, categorising the
                     findings against the identified coded themes, shown in tables: 4,5,6,7.

                     The values in tables 4,5,6,7 was applied against the values with the

                     conceptual  framework  (shown  in  figure  1);  creating  a  new  table  to

                     summarise  the  codified  interview  findings  against  the  conceptual
                     framework  (shown  in  table  8).    The  latter  shows  the  overall

                     participants’ application of BD, AI and analytics by codified interview


                        4.3.       Thematic analysis

                     The author will classify the findings from the transcripts by theme for

                     each  participant,  selecting  the  best  quotes  from  each  participant  to
                     justify the interview findings.

                     Participant 1 from Italy: The supporting transcript for Italy participant

                     1 (shown on table 4) stated “they do not believe AI could be applied in
                     Italy”.    However,  Italy  participant  1  indicated  that  the  participants’

                     organisation applied tools that incorporate both AI, BD and analytics:

                     applications mainly within fertigation, viticulture, marketing and retail

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