Page 13 - To share_Farrugia_Dissertation_Summary_
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for the BD, AI and analytics, the author will probe the SME to identify
the reasons for not applying relevant tools. This method will provide
the author with the specific application (of BD, AI and analytics) within
the wine life cycle stages, providing gap analysis whereby the author
believes that the respective organisation could potentially apply BD, AI
and analytics related applications. The data gathered from the
interview findings will be evaluated using a thematic analysis within
the interview transcript to identify any common occurring themes.
After conducting the interviews, the author will create a high-level view
table (for each participant) showing the application of BD, AI and
analytics tools against the wine life cycle stages. See tables 10, 11,
12, 13, 14, 15, 16,17).
The author will apply the conceptual model classified by themes to
represent the wine life cycle stages, with each theme identifying the
application of BD, AI and analytics applied tools. The author will
analyse the interview gathered data (transcripts for each participant,
see table 4, 5, 6 7), codify the identified themes (table 19,20,21,22)
compose a consolidate a table to show the codified interview themes
against the literature view (as per the conceptual model), shown in
table 8. The latter will display the interview codified findings to identify
the BD, AI and analytics applications against the conceptual model
themes (classed by BD, AI and analytics) and define gaps. Then, the
author will tag the interview codified analysis against the thematic
literature review showing further analysis as to the contribution of BD,
AI and analytics related tools. This will highlight potential areas that
wine organisations need to focus their effort in applying such tools to
ensure growth and streamline their operations.
3.8. *taken out before sharing*
3.9. *taken out before sharing*