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3.11. Chapter summary
The qualitative research approach presented the author the
opportunity to apply a set of questions to identify whether BD, AI and
analytic tools were applied within the wine life cycle stages, together
with the corresponding benefits. The author recorded the application
of BD, AI and analytics related tools within the wine life cycle stages,
recording them by themes. This provides a snapshot of the maturity
of the wine industry life cycle in terms of the application of BD, AI and
analytics. The author applied an ethical approach when interviewing
SMEs from the UK and Italy, ensuring that the author gathered enough
information (base data) to identify an information saturation point.
The author ensured that the data was authentic, reliable and credible.
4. Results and discussions
4.1. Chapter introduction
This section will evaluate the findings gathered from the interviews with
the wine industry SMEs (participants) from Italy and the UK. The
findings are grouped by theme supported by the conceptual framework
(found in figure 1), highlighting the resulting codes (based on codes
shown in table 18) identified from the interview transcripts. The
interview findings will be compared against the literature review table
(showing the BD, AI and analytics finds) by theme to identify the
application or lack of application (and the supporting reasons) of BD,
AI and analytics across the wine industry life cycle, shown in table 9.
4.2. Interview Findings
Braun and Clarke (2006) stated that the thematic analysis serves as
the core method to apply when conducting qualitative analysis as it
provides the core skills for further analysis.
Clarke (2006) and King (2004) stated that thematic analysis offers the
facility to collect different participants’ viewpoints to identify the