Page 22 - To share_Farrugia_Dissertation_Summary_
P. 22

4.5.       Research objectives
               The objective of this research was to evaluate the current literature articles

               highlighting the application of BD, AI and analytics tools within the wine life

               cycle.  The author applied the literature review, composed a set of questions
               to apply when conducting interviews with UK and Italy  wine organisations’

               SMEs.  This enabled the gathering, coding and grouping elicited information

               into  themes  (as  applied  at  each  stage  within  the  wine  life  cycle  process)

               identifying the actual/potential application of BD, AI and analytics by theme.
               This  author  endeavoured  to  apply  the  findings  to  gain  an  insight  into  the

               practical applications of BD, AI and analytics seeking to identify gaps (BD, AI

               and analytics) within the wine life cycle.

                   4.6.       Chapter summary

               The author coded the participants’ transcripts and produced a coded themes

               table (see table 18).  Then, the author scored each participants’ responses
               (for Italy and UK participants) against the transcript coded themes and scored

               the results against the conceptual model values (elicited from the literature

               review), producing a summary table, shown in table 8.  The author was able

               to compare and analyse each participants’ responses to identify (see table 4,
               5 6 7) what BD, AI and analytics tools were applied during the wine life cycle.

               The  author  scored  the  findings  from  the  participants  against  the  literature

               theme shown in table: 9.          Table 9 provided analytical analysis showing the

               BD, AI and analytics tools application provided by the participants, (defined
               and coded in themes) applied across the wine life cycle.  The results provided

               some clarification as to the reasons for not applying the tools and applications

               identified during the literature research.  However, the author identified some
               new  findings  that  were  not  elicited  during  the  literature  research.    This

               research findings provides an insight as to what is being applied, highlighting

               a  gap  for  areas  where  to  focus  within  the  wine  industry-to  enable  wine

               organisations to apply BD, AI and analytics applications.

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