P. 3 June 21, 2021 3
Ajax MPP Rod Phillips
back in caucus as Premier
Ford shuffles cabinet
criticized for the havoc COVID-19 consumer services.
wrought on long-term care – 3,794 The shuffle also saw several
nursing home residents died from “ newcomers take on associate
the virus and thousands more were Changes like the promotion minister files, with Stan Cho in
infected. A scathing report of younger, diverse caucus transportation and Jane McKenna
published this spring found the in children and women's issues.
neglected sector was unprepared members suggest Ford's Nina Tangri becomes associate
for a pandemic. government is getting in an minister of small business and red
Friday's shuffle also saw five "election mode" ahead of tape, while Kaleed Rasheed
Rod Phillips replaces Merrilee Fullerton as ministers moved out of cabinet, the June 2, 2022 vote. becomes associate minister of
the new minister of long-term care including former environment digital government.
minister Jeff Yurek, and former Changes like the promotion of
infrastructure minister Laurie younger, diverse caucus members
TORONTO - Ontario Premier transit infrastructure," he said in a Scott. suggest Ford's government is in
Doug Ford shuffled his cabinet on statement. Several younger caucus members, and Finance Minister Peter "election mode" ahead of the June
Friday, introducing new members, Rod Phillips, who left his role as meanwhile, were promoted to Bethlenfalvy remained in their 2, 2022 vote, Nelson Wiseman, a
ousting several others, and finance minister after travelling to more prominent portfolios. David prominent positions. Bethlenfalvy political science professor at the
bringing back a minister who St. Barts in December contrary to Piccini became minister of is also taking over the province's University of Toronto, said, as
resigned last year after violating public health rules, was notably environment and Kinga Surma digital government strategy. former backbenchers can now
pandemic travel guidelines. back in cabinet as the new minister took on the infrastructure file. Meanwhile, John Yakabuski was return to their ridings with a
Ford said the changes – which of long-term care. Parm Gill took on the new portfolio out as minister of natural cabinet tile to their name.
come less than a year before the His vacation when the government o f c i t i z e n s h i p a n d resources, as that file went to Greg "In campaign literature, that can
next provincial election – were advised against all non-essential multiculturalism, the first minister Rickford, who took on a merged influence a number of people who
m a d e a s h i s P r o g r e s s i v e travel generated a political storm to head up the role. role as minister of northern might think, 'oh, we got a cabinet
Conservative government focuses that saw Ford criticized for not Prabmeet Singh Sarkaria was made development, mining, natural minister in our riding, we should be
on the province's recovery from taking action when he first learned the new president of the treasury resources and forestry, as well as voting for the government party,
COVID-19. of the trip. Phillips called his board, which was split from the Indigenous affairs. because maybe he can deliver
"Our renewed team is well excursion a "significant error in finance file, while Lisa Thompson Todd Smith was appointed to the something,'" Wiseman said.
positioned to deliver on the judgement." replaced Ernie Hardeman in ministry of energy, which split "Everything is election mode."
priorities that matter to Ontarians, He now replaces Dr.Merrilee agriculture, food and rural affairs. from Rickford's former portfolio. The lieutenant governor signed off
including getting more people Fullerton, who was made minister Health Minister Christine Elliott, Jill Dunlop, a former associate on all the cabinet changes Friday
back to work, making life more of children, community and social Education Minister Steven Lecce, minister, became minister of afternoon. A swearing-in was held
affordable, supporting businesses services. Solicitor General Sylvia Jones, colleges and universities, as Ross virtually.
and job creators and building Fullerton has been heavily Attorney General Doug Downey Romano moved to government and -The Canadian Press
Canada and Ontario invest in improved recreational
infrastructure for residents in Ajax
Across the country, Canadians are
feeling the impact of COVID-19, on
their families, their livelihoods, “
and their way of life. Together,
Canada and Ontario are working to Today’s investment is a great example of government
r e d u ce t h e i m p a c t o f t h e partnership delivering enhanced outdoor recreational facilities
pandemic, ensure health and for our growing and diverse community. The upgrades to the
safety, rebuild businesses, and Town’s cricket facility and basketball court supports our vision
promote job creation, growth and of more inclusive and accessible spaces in the heart of
Today the Honourable Mark Downtown Ajax. On behalf of Ajax Council, I would like to thank
Holland, Member of Parliament the Governments of Canada and Ontario for their support
for Ajax, on behalf of the towards increasing recreation opportunities for our residents."
Honourable Catherine McKenna,
Federal Minister of Infrastructure His Worship Shaun Collier, Mayor of the Town of Ajax
and Communities; Rod Phillips,
Member of Provincial Parliament
for Ajax, on behalf of the
Ho n o u ra b l e L a u r i e S co tt ,
O n t a r i o ’ s M i n i s t e r o f
Infrastructure; and His Worship “
Shaun Collier, Mayor of the Town
of Ajax, announced joint funding The investments made through Canada’s Infrastructure Plan to
to improve two recreation facilities improve the Ajax Community Centre and Downtown Ajax the court more accessible to
in Ajax, Ontario. Sports Campus provides tremendous opportunities for our improve public safety. The second
The Government of Canada is community. This will help Ajax residents stay active, engage in project is the renovation of the
investing over $1.3 million toward outdoor sports, host events that bring the community together cricket clubhouse and pitch at the
these projects through the and stimulate the local economy. With supports for thousands Downtown Ajax Sports Campus.
C o m m u n i t y, C u l t u r e a n d Improvements include the
Recreation Infrastructure Stream of similar projects across the country, Canada’s Infrastructure replacement of the clubhouse roof,
(CCRIS) of the Investing in Canada Plan helps create jobs and build cleaner, more inclusive and updating changerooms, facilities while ensuring that all
plan. The Government of Ontario communities.” washrooms, and the kitchen. The community members can enjoy
is contributing over $1.1 million, facility will also undergo extensive watching, learning, and playing
while the Town of Ajax is providing Honourable Mark Holland, Member of Parliament for Ajax, on upgrades that will improve cricket for years to come.
over $895,000 to these projects. behalf of the Honourable Catherine McKenna, Federal Minister accessibility, modify spectator All orders of government continue
The first project is the retrofit of the of Infrastructure and Communities seating, entranceways and to work together for the people of
A j a x C o m m u n i t y C e n t r e walkways, enhance signage and Ontario to make strategic
basketball court. Work includes lighting, and renovate practice infrastructure investments in
replacing court pavement, facilities. This project will greatly communities across the province
upgrading lighting, and making improve the quality of cricket when needed most.