P. 4

4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         June 21, 2021

                                                                                                          ax Anti-B
                                                                                                    Aj Ajax Anti-Black
        Ajax marks Louise Johnson’s                                                                 Ajax Anti-Black ck
                                                                                                            cism T
                                                                                                    Racism Taskforce
        100th birthday with new                                                                     R Racism Taskforce
                                                                                                          esents Div
                                                                                                    presents Diversity
        parkette                                                                                    pr presents Diversity
                                                                                                    X XChange Speaker
                                                                                                    XChange Speaker
                                                                                                                         e Speak
                                                                                                        eries June 2
                                                                                                    S Series June 24
        On  Friday  June  18,  2021,  Ajax                                                          Series June 24
        Council unveiled a  new parkette,
        created and  named  in  honour of
        Louise Johnson’s 100th birthday.
        Located on Harwood Avenue and                                                                      Second installment in series
        the 401 (south of Birch Cres.), the                                                                discusses understanding racism
        Louise  Johnson  Parkette  features
        pollinator-friendly  flora  species                                                                 and anti-Black racism
        planted  by  the  Pickering  Ajax                                                           The Ajax Anti-Black Racism Taskforce presents their second
        Butterflyway Rangers, a new entry                                                            installment of the Diversity XChange Speaker Series featuring

        sign and bench.                                                                             guest speaker Dr. Joseph Smith, a researcher and educator who
        T h e  p a rke tte  i s  n a m e d   i n                                                    will discuss racism and anti-Black racism. The free event will
        accordance  with  the  Town’s                                                               be live-streamed on June 24 at 2 p.m. Residents, businesses and
        Commemorative  Naming  of                                                                   local organizations can watch live and participate in the live Q
        Municipal  Parks  and  Buildings                                                            & A at ,  or
        Policy. Louise is easily recognized   “                                           
        as  an  individual  who  has  shown   We are excited to honour a   Council  is  thrilled  to  celebrate   Questions can be submitted live during the session or in
        exceptional  character,  and  has   woman that helped shape   Louise’s  100th  birthday  by   advance to
        made  a  significant  community                             dedicating  the  Louise  Johnson
        contribution.                  the Ajax that we so proudly   Parkette in her honour.           "The Diversity XChange Speaker Series
        Louise  Johnson  has  lived  in  the   represent. Louise has been   Louise  Johnson  celebrates  her   is a great way to listen, learn and
        Town of Ajax since it was home to   actively involved in a wide   100th  birthday  on  June  17,  2021.   engage in the conversations that are
        Defence Industries Limited (DIL),   range of events, clubs,   Ajax Council unanimously voted in   important to our present and future.
        the largest munitions plant in the   organizations and     favour  of  naming  a  parkette  to   The Ajax Anti-Black Racism Taskforce
        British  Commonwealth  during   celebrations in Ajax -     honour  Louise’s  outstanding       is focusing on topics that not only
        World War II. Dubbed the ‘Bomb   spanning almost eight     history  as  an  original  Ajacian  to   highlight the work they are doing but
        Girls’, the women war workers of   decades. We are proud of   mark this milestone birthday.    also contribute towards a more
        DIL  supplied  Allied  Forces  with                        Louise’s  significant  community     inclusive Ajax for all.
        shells  throughout  the  war  effort,   the opportunity to   contribution  spans  more  than    Join us from home on June 24 for
        with countless made right here in   celebrate this milestone   s e ve n   d e c a d e s ,   i n c l u d i n g   another positive, interactive session.”
        Ajax.                          with her, and want to thank   involvement  with  the  HMS  Ajax
        With  her  DIL  days  behind  her,   our dedicated Operations   reunions,  Pan-Am  Games,  Ajax         - Mayor Shaun Collier, Town of Ajax
        Louise (alongside her late husband   team and the Pickering Ajax   Garden  Club,  PROBUS  and   The five-part, online and interactive series aims to provide a
        Russell) played an integral role in   Butterflyway Rangers for   Seniors’  Clubs,  St.  Paul’s  United   positive space to facilitate nuanced and thought-provoking
        the  development  of  the  Town  of   their help making this   Church – Ajax, and many more.  discussions to help address and understand anti-Black,
        Ajax; actively involved in clubs and   surprise happen. Happy   The  Town’s  Commemorative   systemic and institutionalized racism while discussing
        organizations  that  span  multiple                        Naming  of  Municipal  Parks  and   important social justice issues impacting our community. This
        sectors  including:  education,   100th birthday, Louise!”  Buildings Policy complements the   series aims to provide a safe space for navigating important
        recreation,  history,  faith,  and                         Town’s  street  naming  practices,   conversations and provide a deeper knowledge and guidance to
        community.                     – Ajax Council              which primarily pay tribute to the   the community on how to positively contribute to combatting
        An  Ajax  Civic  Award  (1991)  and                        men who served on the HMS Ajax,   social injustice in our everyday lives.
        Senior’s Award (2007) winner, Ajax                         HMS Achilles, and HMS Exeter.
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