P. 5     June 21, 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             5

                       Durham Region raises new, permanent

                               Mississaugas of Scugog Island

                                   First Nation flag at Regional HQ

                                                                   WHITBY,  ONTARIO  –  The
                                                                   following  statement  is  being
                                                                   issued  on  behalf  of  John  Henry,
                                                                   Re g i o n a l   C h a i r  a n d   C h i e f
                                                                   Executive Officer for The Regional
                                                                   Municipality of Durham:
                                                                   “It  is  with  great  honour  that  I
                                                                   acknowledge  Indigenous  Peoples
                                                                   Day  in  Durham  Region.  A
                                                                   reminder  to  all  of  us  to  take  a
                                                                   moment;  to show  respect  for  the
                                                                   heritage,  diverse  cultures  and
                                 “                                 achievements  of  First  Nations,
                                                                   Inuit and Métis peoples. To reflect
                                                                   u p o n   t h e i r   o u t s t a n d i n g
                        We are proud to stand with Indigenous      a c h i e ve m e n t s ,   s i g n i fi c a n t
                        communities. As a sign of respect,         community  contributions,  and
                        and in recognition of the community and    collective challenges.
                        lands on which we reside, today the Region   We  are  proud  to  stand  with
                                                                   Indigenous communities. As a sign
                        unveiled a permanent home for the
                                                                   of  respect,  and  in  recognition  of
                        Mississaugas of Scugog Island
                                                                   the community and lands on which
                        First Nation flag at Regional Headquarters.
                                                                   we  reside,  today  the  Region
                                                                   unveiled a permanent home for the
                                 - Regional Chair and CEO John Henry  Mississaugas of Scugog Island First
                                                                   N a t i o n   fl a g   a t   R e g i o n a l

                                                                                                           Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation Chief
                                                                                                      Kelly LaRocca (left) with Regional Chair and CEO John Henry

                                                                                                This  momentous  occasion     the  Calls  to  Action  to  help  stop
                                                                                                confirms  an  allyship  that  is   racism and injustices. Because the
                                                                                                working to ensure a positive future   time  is  far  overdue  for  honest
                                                                                                for  all  residents.  To  make  sure   reflection about our shared history
                                                                                                Durham  Region  is  a  place  where   with Indigenous communities.
                                                                                                p e o p l e  a re  p ro u d   o f   t h e i r   We need to continue our efforts to
                                                                                                heritage—the very foundation for   provide cultural safe spaces at the
                                                                                                their identity.               Region.
                                                                                                And,  while  Durham  Region   Take  the  time  during  Indigenous
                                                                                                continues to celebrate Indigenous   History Month, and well beyond,
                                                                                                communities,  we  must  also   t o   r e fl e c t   o n   o u r
                                                                                                truthfully  acknowledge  the   relationships—both  past  and
                                                                                                ongoing and devastating impact of   present—with  the  Indigenous
                                                                                                colonialism.  We  must  work   Peoples of the lands that we have
                                                                                                towards reconciliation by realizing   the privilege to be on.”
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