P. 6

6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         June 21, 2021

        OPINION                                               “       Almost every other week, someone’s cancellation becomes the subject of prominent
                                                                      discussion on Twitter, Substack and cable news. Yet its exact meaning is up for debate.
                                                                      What counts as a cancellation? Who gets to decide?

                                                                                                                  FROM PROSECUTION?
           T T I M E  T  O  D  E  B  A T E
           TIME TO DEBATE
           C C A N C  E  L  C  U L T  U  R E           THIS SECOND
                                                       SHOT WILL
           “Cancel culture,” as a concept, feels       GIVE YOU
           inescapable. The phrase is all over the news,
           tossed around in casual social media        IMMUNITY...
           conversation; it’s been linked to everything
           from free speech debates to Mr. Potato
           Head, Dr. Seuss or Roseanne.
           It sometimes seems all-encompassing, as if
           all forms of contemporary discourse must
           now lead, exhaustingly and endlessly, either
           to an attempt to “cancel” anyone whose
           opinions cause controversy or to
           accusations of cancel culture in action,
           however unwarranted.
           Almost every other week, someone’s
           cancellation becomes the subject of
           prominent discussion on Twitter, Substack                 London attack a result of lost
           and cable news. Yet its exact meaning is up
           for debate. What counts as a cancellation?
           Who gets to decide?                               opportunity to combat Islamophobia
           Methinks, it’s high time to debate cancel
           It’s time to take back this country from the                            in 2017: academic
           vandals who would deny our history and
           defame our heroes.
           A statue of Britain’s wartime Prime Minister
           Winston Churchill was defaced outside       OTTAWA  —  The  federal  government                                has made investments to ensure that its
           Edmonton city hall last week. For those     hasn't  gone  far  enough  in  addressing                          work  is  focused  on  recognizing  the
           whose pathetic grasp of world history       Islamophobia in Canada despite the rise  OPINIONOPINIONOPINION     systemic discrimination that exists and
           doesn’t include the Second World War,       of anti-Muslim  hate  in  recent years, a                          o n   h i g h l i g h t i n g   a n d   n a m i n g
           here’s a refresher.                         Wilfrid  Laurier  University  professor   by Maan Alhmidi          Islamophobia.
           Churchill stood up to real fascism when the   said.                                                            He said there is more work to do and his
           world was threatened by a totalitarian      Jasmin  Zine  said  the  London,  Ont.,                            government  will  partner  with  the
           regime that murdered millions in death      attack  that  left  four  members  of  a   provide some important calls to actions,   Muslim community across the country
           camps.                                      Muslim family dead is another episode   some  important  strategies  that  could   to find out how to move forward.
           In cities around the country, statues of
                                                       in  a  series  of  attacks  that  targeted   specifically address Islamophobia."  Trudeau  said  the  government  will
           Canada’s first Prime Minister Sir John A.
                                                       Muslim Canadians across the country in   Zine said the focus on Islamophobia was   continue  to  fund  initiatives  to  protect
           Macdonald have been taken down or
                                                       the last few years amid lack of concerted   also  sidelined  in  Canada's  anti-racism   schools  and  places  of  worship  of
           covered up.
                                                       government action to tackle the rise in   strategy.                communities  at  risk.  He  added  the
           In Toronto, activists pulled down a statue to
                                                       Islamophobia.                    "It needs to be far more salient."  Liberals will also continue to fight hate
           Egerton Ryerson outside the university that
                                                       Zine said she is working with a group of   NDP  Leader  Jagmeet  Singh  said  in  a   online and off-line, which will include
           bears his name. Some now call it X-
                                                       researchers on a study that will come out   statement that the attack is yet another   more action to dismantle hate groups.
                                                       in the fall to document how a network of   e x a m p l e   o f   t h e   e x i s t e n c e   o f   "There is always more to do … whether
           What we have now is mob rule. A person
                                                       associations,  groups,  activists  and   Islamophobia in Canada.   it’s  protecting  mosques  and  churches,
           with a pickup truck and a rope can decide
                                                       donors  has  been  promoting  anti-  "This  horrific  situation  shows  how   synagogues  with  extra  investments  in
           which statues stand and which are toppled.
                                                       Muslim  hate  in  what  she  calls  an   i m por t a n t  i t  i s  to  a ct  a g a i n s t   security which is heartbreaking to have
           Give a coward a bucket of paint and he can
                                                       "Islamophobia industry."         Islamophobia and to do so quickly," he   to  do  but  is  necessary,  whether  it's
           smear Canada’s brave WWII record.
                                                       "We're inspired to act, to do this kind of   said.                 fighting  online  hatred,  banning  right
           It’s not up to hooligans to define this
                                                       work  because  of  tragedies  like  the   "The Trudeau government promised to   wing extremist terrorist groups like the
           country. Millions of Canadians fought for
                                                       Quebec  massacre,  this  horrible  terror   tackle  online  hate  and  we  are  still   Proud Boys."
           freedom in that war. Thousands gave their
                                                       attack  in  London,  the  stabbing  of  a   waiting. It is crucial that we immediately   Zine said the deep roots of Islamophobia
           lives. They looked to Churchill as a leader.   Muslim caretaker at a (Toronto) mosque   implement  measures  to  tackle  online   in Canada require more direct action on
           That’s why he was honoured.                 (last year) and all of the other incidents   hate  including  regulations  to  make   dealing with anti-Muslim racism in the
           Ryerson misguidedly provided the            and issues of Islamophobia that happen   social media platforms remove hateful   country.
           framework for residential schools, but it’s   on a daily basis," she said.   and  violent  content  from  their   "There  are  networks  of  groups  that
           doubtful he envisioned the horrific abuse    More than four years before the London,   platforms."              purvey Islamophobia and Islamophobic
           that happened in them. He was also the      Ont.,  attack,  a  gunman  stormed  a   O'Toole's  office  didn't  immediately   rhetoric propaganda and discourses and
           architect of Ontario’s public school system   Quebec  City  mosque on  Jan.  29,  2017,   respond to a comment request.  a  lot  of  those  kinds  of  sentiments
           — one of the finest in the world.            shooting  dead  six  men  and  seriously   Green party Leader Annamie Paul called   underwrite (Islamophobic) actions."
           Macdonald was a dominant figure in the       injuring 19 people.              on  the  Liberal government  to create a   She  said  there  are  policies  in  place  in
           creation of this country and deserves a     Liberal MP Iqra Khalid tabled a motion   national anti-Islamophobia strategy.  Canada that create Islamophobic public
           better fate than that dished out at the hands   in  Parliament  following  the  attack   Paul  told  a  news  conference  that  a   sentiments including Quebec's ban on
           of those who only tear things down. He      calling  on  the  federal  government  to   comprehensive national strategy should   religious symbols, also known as Bill 21.
           built a nation. They destroy it.            address Islamophobia and study it along   include law enforcement, education and   It prohibits public-sector workers who
           We need a public debate about cancel        with  religious  discrimination  and   identifying  those  who  are  promoting   are  deemed  to  be  in  positions  of
           culture. In the upcoming federal election,   systemic racism.                hateful ideologies.               authority,  like  public  prosecutors  and
           parties should tell us where they stand.    The motion was adopted in March 2017,   "A national strategy on Islamophobia …   judges, from wearing religious symbols
           Which statues would each party remove?      although  91  Conservative  and  Bloc   is  something  that  the  community  has   such as hijabs, kippas or turbans while at
           Certainly, there may be some we agree to    Québécois  members  voted  against  it,   been  asking  for  and  is  overdue,"  Paul   work.
           toss out. But many Canadians watch aghast   including Erin O'Toole, who is now the   said                      Muslims  are  characterized  as  a
           as history is dismantled without their      Tory  leader.  A  national  study  and   She said the government has a duty to   particular kind of threat — including a
           consent. Let them have their say on who     hearings  by  the  House  of  Commons   i d e n t i f y,   e xp o s e  a n d   ro o t  o u t   demographic  one  —  in  the  white
           should end up on the scrap heap and who     heritage committee emerged from that   m o v e m e n t s   t h a t   p r o m o t e   supremacist  and  white  nationalist
           we should celebrate.                        motion.                          discrimination and hate, and to ensure   circles, Zine said, and that thinking is in
           This country is governed by the rule of law,   "The  report  that  came  out  of  that,   that those who promote such ideologies   Canada too.
           not by angry people with pickaxes. In a     unfortunately, sidelined Islamophobia,"   know that there will be no safe place or   " T h e   i d e a s   t h a t   u n d e r w r i t e
           democracy, issues of public policy are      Zine said, noting that only two of the 30   dark corner where their beliefs will be   Islamophobia are tied to different kinds
           debated peacefully and put to the vote —    recommendations in the report referred   allowed to flourish.       of  ethno-nationalism,  not  just  in
           not to the sledgehammer.
                                                       explicitly to Islamophobia.      Prime  Minister  Justin  Trudeau  told  a   Canada but abroad."
                                                       "I  felt  that  was  a  lost  opportunity  to   news  conference  that  his  government                    -Maan Alhmidi, The Canadian Press
                           Dur  am
                           z   e        tel: 416-301-9154                  Ruskin Ramsundar      CEO/Publisher     Courtney McLaren     Digital Media
                                                                           Sylvan Naidoo                             CFO
                                                                                                                   Gerard Richardson    Photographer
                                                                                                                   Robert Ranjitsingh    Photographer
                                                                           Riyad Mohammed    Associate Editor
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