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8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         June 21, 2021

        As Juneteenth marks the end of slavery in

        the U.S., Canada is set to commemorate its

        first countrywide Emancipation Day, Aug. 1

        When John Baker died in Cornwall,   L i n c o l n ’ s   E m a n c i p a t i o n   that impacts your employment and
        Ont.,  the  last  living  vestiges  of   Proclamation in 1862.  your  employability.  That  impacts
        slavery in Canada died with him.  “Acknowledging  Emancipation   your  housing,  that  impacts  your
        Baker, widely considered to be the   Day essentially means that Canada   health. It’s like a house of cards.
        last person of African descent born   is  finally  acknowledging  that   “Slavery  was  abolished,  but  anti-
        into slavery in Canada, was born a   slavery was a part of our history,”   Black racism wasn’t.”
        slave in Quebec in the 1780s, was   says Bernard. “That’s not been the   In 2018, when Bernard first began a
        freed  along  with  his  mother  in   way  Canadian  history  tells  the   push for an Emancipation Day, it
        1804, fought in the War of 1812 and   history  of  African  presence  in   wasn’t considered a high priority in
        the  Napoleonic  Wars  —  for  the   Canada.”              the  Senate.  Her  bid  stalled  out
        British army — and died at home,   Usually,  she  says,  history  texts   when the 2019 election was called.
        among his family in Cornwall in his   focus  on  the  Underground   But the baton was picked up post-
        90s.                          Railroad, the network of routes and   election  by  Richmond  Hill  MP
        That  was  in  1871.  But  his  death   safe houses used to smuggle slaves   Majid Jowhari, and in March of this
        didn’t  mean  the  legacies  of  this   from  the  U.S.  to  freedom  in   year  the  House  of  Commons
        country’s  200-year  history  of   Canada.  They  tend  to  gloss  over   unanimously  adopted  Bill  M-36,
        slavery died with him. In fact, 150   Canada’s  history  of  importing,   m a k i n g   A u g .   1   o ffi c i a l l y
        years  after  the  country’s  last   owning  and  buying  enslaved   Emancipation Day across Canada.  legislation  —  Juneteenth  and   Canadians continue to face.”
        surviving enslaved man died, anti-  people.                To  a  large  extent,  both  Canada’s   Emancipation Day — says Bernard,   Bernard  will  be  celebrating  her
        Black  racism  in  Canada  is  alive,   “The narrative that’s been taught in   and the U.S.’s long overdue pieces   are symptoms of that desire.  birthday this year on the same day
        well and systemic, says  Canadian   this country is one that we’ve been   of legislation were driven home by   But  the  changes  still  have  to  go   that  Canada  commemorates  its
        Sen. Wanda Thomas Bernard.    better than our neighbours to the   the same event, says Bernard: the   deeper  than  merely  setting  aside   first national Emancipation Day.
        And  that’s  why  it’s  so  important   south; that slavery didn’t exist here;   murder last year of a Black man by a   one  day  a  year  to  pause  for   She  says  she  hopes  that  day  will
        that  this  federal  government  in   that this was the land of freedom   white Minneapolis police officer in   reflection,  says  historian  and   encourage  those  with  power  and
        March  acknowledged  an  official   and  opportunity  that  the  poor   broad  daylight  with  cameras   educator Natasha Henry.  influence  to  start  thinking  about
        Emancipation Day, she says.   African  Americans  were  able  to   watching.            Henry literally wrote the book on   how they can use that power and
        Though  it’s  already  observed  in   escape to,” says Bernard.  George Floyd’s death at the hands   Emancipation  Day.  It’s  called   influence to create more equity for
        some  places  in  the  country  —   “And yes, that’s part of the history.   of  Derek  Chauvin  not  only   “Emancipation  Day:  Celebrating   B l a c k   p e o p l e   a n d   o t h e r
        O n t a r i o,   Nova  S co t i a  a n d   B u t   a c k n o w l e d g i n g   a n d   triggered  protests  all  over  the   Freedom in Canada,” published in   marginalized groups.
        Vancouver,  for  example  —  this   recognizing  Emancipation  Day   world, but also provoked a global   2010. She says the establishment of   But she also believes those kinds of
        Aug. 1 will mark the first time the   means  that  we’re  acknowledging   self-reckoning on racism.  an Emancipation Day is merely the   changes come down to individual
        country as a whole commemorates   and  recognizing  the  reality  that   “That  newsfeed  played  over  and   spring  from  which  more  change   Canadians, too.
        the day in 1834 when slavery was   African  people  were  enslaved  in   over and over again,” she says. “And   must flow.  “I want people to be thinking about
        officially  abolished  across  the   Canada.”                I  think  that  the  world  woke  up.   “We want it to be utilized, not just   what  they  can  do,”  she  says.
        British Empire.               The  British  Empire’s  abolition  of   Woke up to the reality of racism,   as a performative  thing,  not  just,   “Because it’s not just about looking
        It comes at a time when, south of   slavery didn’t mean the beginning   woke up to the reality of racism as a   ‘Hello, today’s Emancipation Day.’   to government to make these big
        the border — in the midst of racial   of equity. What it did was open the   form of violence, woke up  to  the   But  (used)  in  understanding  this   changes. Yes, those are important.
        reckoning of their own — the U.S.   doors  for  nefarious,  systemic   reality  of  racism  and  state   history  and  understanding  the   And we’ll keep pushing for those.
        on Thursday passed legislation to   discrimination, says Bernard. And   violence.”      realities  of  enslavement  here  in   “But  I  want  I  want  ordinary
        declare  Juneteenth  a  national   that’s the battle that Black people   It’s  a  time,  on  both  sides  of  the   Canada,” she says.  Canadians to  be thinking,  “What
        holiday.  That  recognizes  June  19,   in Canada face today.  border  and  across  the  world,  she   “I  see  it  as  being  part  of  this   can I do? What’s my role? What are
        the day in 1865 when slaves were   “Systemic  racism  impacted   believes,  when  people  have  been   ongoing  advocacy,  this  push  for   the  things  that  I  can  do?’  And  I
        freed in Texas, the last holdout for   education,  which  then  impacts   looking  for  ways  to  make  more   continued improved citizenship,   t h i n k   i t  s t a r t s  w i t h  s o m e
        slavery,  almost  three  years  and   everything else,” says Bernard. “If   meaningful  structural  and   quality of life, and improvement of   conversations. With some difficult
        most of a Civil War after Abraham   you don’t have access to education,   systemic changes. Both pieces of   the disparate outcomes, that Black   conversations.”

                                             Appeal for further donations to

                                             provide children with digital devices

                                      staged by the High Commission of   additional  100,000  students   on children is that they have lost a   r e c o g n i s e d   t h e   p a r t n e r
                                      Jamaica  to  Canada  and  the   require  laptops  or  tablets  to   year.  Let’s do anything we can to   organisations  and  donors  for
                                      Consulate-General  of  Jamaica  at   effectively  participate  in  online   make this year stronger and  help   collaborating  with  the  High
                                      Toronto,  in  partnership  with  the   learning  for  the  academic  year   them catch up. I am asking you to   Commission  and  Consulate-
                                      Alliance  of  Jamaican  Alumni   starting  September  2021  or  risk   donate today, but I also want you to   General  on  this  worthwhile
                                      Associations in Canada and Food   falling behind academically.   reach  out  to  a  friend,  a  family   initiative.
                                      For The Poor Canada.         I n   e m p h a s i z i n g   t h e   d i r e   member, a co-worker and try and   He  added,  “Think  of  what  your
                                      Speaking during the virtual event,   circumstances,  LaToya  Harris,   raise enough money for at least one   donation means to one child … it
                                      High  Commissioner  Miller  noted   Director of Donor and Partnership   tablet or even 10. If you need to, talk   means  they won’t  be  left  behind,
              High Commissioner
              of Jamaica to Canada,   schools have closed and teaching   Management  at  the  National   to a fundraiser at Food for the Poor   and you never know, that one child
           Her Excellency Sharon J Miller   and  learning  moved  online.  This   Education Trust in Jamaica, shared   Canada  and  we  can  help  you  to   might become a world-changer.”
                                      necessary  action  has  seen  a   that some 122,000 children across   become a better fundraiser.”   To date, $1,765 of the $25,000 target
                                      significant  number  of  children   the  island  “have  not  had  any   Also making an appeal during the   has been donated.
        OTTAWA    –  In  a  further  bid  to   unable  to  participate  in  the   contact  with  the  [education]   launch, Rhona Dunwell, President
        support  the  Government  of   learning  process,  but  it  has  also   system since March 2020 and a lot   of the Alliance of Jamaican Alumni   Donations can be made at:
        Jamaica’s  ongoing  efforts  to   provided  an  opportunity  to  close   of  those  students  are  without   Associations  in  Canada,  and  the
        provide a device for every child, the   the  digital  divide,  thus  enabling   devices.” Ms. Harris also said that   current  President  of  Knox  Past   pages/a-computer-for-every-
        High Commissioner of Jamaica to   our youth to secure their future.   the Government has met only 17%   Students’  Association  –Toronto   child/.
        Canada,  Her  Excellency  Sharon  J   For students who have been thrust   of  the  target  to  provide  100,000   C h a p t e r ,   n o t e d   t h e   Donations  are  being  facilitated
        Miller  appealed  for  donations  to   i n t o   a n   o n l i n e   l e a r n i n g   devices.  “unprecedented  risk  to  children’s   through Food For The Poor Canada
        purchase  tablets  and  laptops  for   e n v i r o n m e n t ,   i n t e r n e t   During  the  launch,  Samantha   education,  protection  and  well-  which serves communities  in  the
        needy youth.                  connectivity  is  only  one  hurdle,   Mahfood, Executive Director, Food   being” and implored members of   Caribbean and Latin America.
        The  appeal  was  made  during  a   lack of a device is a more pressing   For The Poor Canada, encouraged   the Jamaican Diaspora and wider
        C a n a d i a n   l a u n c h   o f   t h e   issue. The Jamaican Government is   attendees  to  become  fundraisers   community in Canada to donate by   Contact
        Government of Jamaica initiative –   currently  providing  an  estimated   for Jamaican children and spread   August.
        ‘A  Device  for  Every  Child’  on   150,000 devices to ensure no child   the  word  about  the  three-month   The Consul General of Jamaica at   &
        Saturday June 5th. The event was   is  left  behind.  However,  an   campaign.  “The  long-term  effect   Toronto,  Lincoln  Downer,
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