P. 7     June 21, 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             7



        20 people charged,

        $61M worth of drugs seized

        TORONTO  -- Twenty people are   In May, police executed 35 search
        facing  rafts  of  charges  each  and   warrants in Toronto and the GTA,
        more  than  $61  million  worth  of   S a r n i a ,   L o n d o n ,   G u e l p h ,
        cocaine,  cr ystal  meth  and   Kitchener,  Montreal,  Halifax,
        marijuana  was  seized  in  what   Surrey, Calgary and Winnipeg.
        Toronto  police  are  calling  the   They  allegedly  seized  444
        largest drug seizure in the service’s   k i l o g ra m s  o f   co c a i n e ,   15 7
        history.                      kilograms  of  crystal  meth,  427
        “Project  Brisa”  allegedly  found  a   kilograms  of  marijuana  and  300
        group of smugglers using trap door   oxycodone pills.
        compartments  in  tractor-trailers   They also found $966,000 in cash
        to  move  up  to  100  kilograms  of   and seized five tractor-trailers and
        drugs at a time from Mexico and   several other vehicles including a
        California  to  several  cities  in   Mercedes G-Wagon. Investigators
        Ontario.                      also seized one Glock handgun.
        The conspirators allegedly moved   Watts  said  the  vehicles  and  cash
        large  quantities  of  drugs  into   will  be  taken  by  the  Ontario   Toronto police announced dozens of arrests in connection with a massive drug bust
        Canada  via  Ontario  border   gove r n m e n t  t h ro u gh  c iv i l
                                                                                         on Tuesday morning. Two suspects are still outstanding.
        crossings.                    forfeiture  proceedings,  while  the
        Toronto Drug Squad Acting Insp.   drugs will be destroyed.
        S te ve  Wa tt s  s a i d   t h e  t ra p   Asked  about  the  significant   significantly impact the supply of   Several of the tractor trailers and   Scott  McManus,  38  and  William
        compartments  were  extremely   amount  of  marijuana  located  in   illicit drugs in the GTA.  other vehicles were modified with   Nhan, 23, both of Toronto.
        difficult to detect and penetrate.  the bust, Watts said there is still a   “The social cost that this amount of   hydraulic-powered  trap  door   Anyone  with  information  about
        “They  were  sophisticated  to  the   profitable  underground  market   drugs  inflicts  on  society  is   compartments to move drugs.  either  suspect  is  asked  to  call
        point  that  X-ray  (scanning)  was   o p e n   i n   C a n a d a   d e s p i t e   immeasurable.”  He  commended   Twenty people are now in custody,   investigators.
        not able to penetrate those traps,”   legalization.        all  investigators  involved  in  the   and two others are still on the lam.  Toronto police say numerous other
        he told reporters on Tuesday.  “Until  you  provide  a  price  point   operation,  which  began  in  Nov.   The  majority  of  those  charged   police  services  including  the
        Investigators allege the traps were   that is significantly lower, the illicit   2020.  “It  was  strategic,  it  was   reside  in  Kitchener,  Toronto  and   RCMP, OPP, York Regional Police,
        built and installed by a 43-year-old   market  does  exist,  and  that’s  a   intelligence-led and it was focused   the  GTA.  They  are  facing  a   Montreal police and a number of
        British Columbia man who is one   reality.”                on  preventing  community  harm   combined  total  of  182  criminal   provincial  and  federal  agencies
        of  those  charged  as  part  of  the   Acting  Toronto  Police  Chief  Jim   and  preserving  community   code charges.The two suspects still   assisted them in the investigation.
        probe.                        Ramer  said  the  bust  would   wellbeing.”               outstanding  were  identified  as   -ctvnews

                                                                       CRA audits of ultra-wealthy

                                                                       Canadians yield zero

                                                                       prosecutions, convictions

        OTTAWA — Data from the Canada   largest  and  most  egregious  tax   Fintrac, said the dearth of criminal   shell  companies  and  tax  havens   “Many  of  these  people  are  very
        Revenue  Agency shows  its  recent   cheats. And yet for a small mom-  charges is striking. But authorities   used by those seeking to stash their   highly  respected  people  in  the
        efforts to combat tax evasion by the   and-pop shop if you don’t pay your   often  lack  resources  to  carry  out   loot.  Canadian establishment.”
        super-rich  have  resulted  in  zero   taxes long enough — two or three   pricey,  painstaking  prosecutions   "Those persons who set up  those   T h e   a b s e n c e   o f   c r i m i n a l
        prosecutions or convictions.  years — then they will absolutely   across  international  borders  and   shell  companies  and  trusts  in  all   prosecutions  against  high-net-
        In response to a question tabled in   go  in  and  garnish  your  wages  ...   can  opt  instead  for  hefty  non-  those jurisdictions, they hear you   worth residents comes in an era of
        Parliament  by  NDP  MP  Matthew   because they know you don't have   criminal penalties.  coming.  They  know  CRA  Is  after   rising wealth inequality, a disparity
        Green, the CRA said it referred 44   the ability to take it to court," he   "They may have some of the best   them," said Kevin Comeau, author   laid  bare  by  the  COVID-19
        cases  on  individuals  whose  net   said.                 lawyers  fighting,  so  you  may  see   of  a  2019  C.D.  Howe  report  on   pandemic.
        worth  topped  $50  million  to  its   “There's  a  tax  code  for  the  ultra-  that more in tax court, rather than   money laundering.  The top one per cent of Canada's
        criminal  investigations  program   wealthy  ... and  then  there's a  tax   convictions,"  Meunier  said  of   "They can just put in a couple more   families hold about 26 per cent of
        since 2015.                   code for the rest of us," Green said.   proceedings  against  the  ultra-  trusts  and  companies  in  other   the wealth — some $3 trillion — up
        Only two of those cases proceeded   "The rich are taking advantage of   wealthy.        jurisdictions  to  make  the  trail   from  the  roughly  14  per  cent
        to  federal  prosecutors,  with  no   the  holes  in our  tax system.  And   "You need a search warrant to go   longer  at  any  time.  It's  a  never-  e s t i m a te d   u n d e r  p re v i o u s
        charges laid afterward.       this Liberal government continues   kick  in  —  well  we  don’t  kick  in   ending rabbit hole."  methodology,  according  to
        The  lack  of  prosecutions  follows   to allow them to do so.”  doors, but you knock on them."  The Liberal budget in April allotted   modelling  in  a  report  from
        more  than  6,770  audits  of  ultra-  The issue is top of mind for federal   Often  tax  evasion  boils  down  to   $2.1 million over two years for the   parliamentary budget officer Yves
        wealthy Canadians over the past six   l aw m a ke r s  t h i s  we e k   a s  a   u n r e p o r t e d   i n c o m e s   o r   Industry Department to launch a   Giroux in June 2020.
        years.                        p a r l i a m e n t a r y  c o m m i t t e e   exaggerated  expenses,  which  can   new beneficial ownership registry   The  same  report  found  that
         It also comes amid a roughly 3,000   convenes  to  discuss  the  CRA's   then  be  deducted  from  income   by 2025.  families  with  $29.3  million  and
        per  cent  increase  in  spending  on   attempts to combat tax evasion and   declared on tax filings.  Comeau,  a  retired  lawyer  and   more rank among Canada's 0.1 per
        the  agency's  high-net-worth   avoidance.  Diane  Lebouthillier,   "It’s not atypical to see individuals   m e m b e r   o f   Tr a n s p a r e n c y   cent.
        compliance program between 2015   minister  of  national  revenue,  is   pay  out  invoices  from  foreign   International  Canada’s  working   Tax evasion — a predicate offence,
        and  2019  due  to  a  beefed-up   slated to appear  before the panel   consulting  companies.  You  pay  a   group  on  beneficial  ownership   meaning it forms a component of a
        workforce,  according  to  an   Tuesday afternoon.         million  bucks  for  a  specialized   transparency,  said  the  registry   more serious crime, such as money
        O c t o b e r   r e p o r t   f r o m   t h e   A  spokesman  for  the  minister's   report,  and  the  company  is  a   could be a "game changer” for tax   laundering — differs categorically
        parliamentary budget officer.   office  referred  questions  to  the   consulting  firm  based  in  a  tax   avoidance.    from tax avoidance, a legal means
        Green  said  federal  authorities   CRA,  which  did  not  respond   h ave n  ( wh e re  t h e  re a l ,   o r   “Even  if  it  is  legal,  they're  not   of  keeping  wealth  out  of  tax
        avoid  pursuing  Canada's  biggest   immediately  to  requests  for   'beneficial,' owner is hidden from   paying their fair share. So there's   collectors'  hands  through  clever
        tax  cheats  but  go  after  small   comment.              view) and basically the company is   going to be huge social pressure on   accounting.  -  Christopher  Reynolds,
        business  owners  who  don't  pay   Denis  Meunier,  former  deputy   owned by the same guy in Canada   those  persons  to  unwind  those   The Canadian Press
        their  taxes  under  a  "two-tiered   d i r e c t o r  o f   t h e  F i n a n c i a l   whose business it is," Meunier said.  dealings and actually start bringing
        system" pocked with "loopholes."  Transactions and Reports Analysis   It can be extraordinarily tough to   their  money  back  to  Canada,”  he
        “The CRA is not pursuing Canada’s   Centre  of  Canada,  known  as   trace money through the warren of   said.
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