Page 12 - Cornice_Grade 6
P. 12

SHORT               It was the strangest thing I had ever seen…

                        It was the strangest thing I had ever seen and   but I continued observing.
                        I had never thought that the particular one
                        night in Jomsom would be my most mem-        This creature had thick fur, whiter than the
                        orable trip that I could never forget. I still   snow of the mountains that lay behind it. It
                        can’t get the image of the pitch-black sky, the   had these pointy but short horns. Its eyes
                        mountains at the back of the scene-rising    glowed bright blue. It had more than six
                        above  the  clouds,  the empty streets  which   limbs and wings. It seemed to be grunting,
                        were ghost-quiet, and that creature. A crea-  and its warm breath could be seen  in the
                        ture or being that I can’t seem to forget.   chilling air. It was moving around suppos-
                                                                     edly eating the weeds that grew on the pave-
                        It all started when I first arrived in Jomsom.   ment. The way I described it makes it sound
                        My parents had found a restaurant nearby     hideous and grim. But it was captivating and
                        the hotel we were staying at. The following   pleasant. I tried to capture a picture of this
                        night we went to that restaurant. The owner   beautiful but strange creature, but it saw me
                        of the restaurant played the saxophone and   and swiftly flew away into the mountains.
                        tourists stayed around him cheering. I felt
                                                                                I panicked and shut the win-
                                                                                 dows. I could still see its large
                                                                                 wings flapping up and down,
                                                                                 slowly getting smaller as it flew
                                                                                 farther and further away. In a
                                                                                 state of shock, I ran down to get
                                                                                 my parents. They were already
                                                                                 coming back to the hotel, laugh-
                                                                                 ing and smiling. My mother
                                                                                 spotted  me.  “What  happened?
                                                                                 Are you okay?” she asked. “Did-
                                                                                 did you see it? Did you see that
                                                                                 creature? It had horns and - six
                                                                                 feet and bright blue eyes and
                                                                                 white-” I stuttered. “It could just
                                                                                 be one of those goats,” my dad
                                                                                 interrupted. “Now go to bed,
                                                                                 you’ve had a long day”. But they
                                                                                 didn’t understand, it wasn’t just
                                                                                 a ‘goat’, it was much more. But I
                                                                                 remained quiet.

                        full after eating and decided to head back   I will never forget that night. I know for a
                        early. I wore my jacket and headed outside.   fact that the creature I saw was real. The trip
                        I could see my breath in the air as I walked   to Jomsom was thrilling, but I still can’t get
                        back. I entered my room and wore my pa-      my mind off of the being I saw. No matter
                        jamas. I looked outside the window, trying   how many portraits I try to draw of it, noth-
                        to  comprehend  the  alluring  scenes  of  the   ing is as close to the most mysterious and
                        grand mountains. The melody of the saxo-     strangest thing I have ever seen.
                        phone could still be heard. No one was on                         by Sunnivah Shrestha
                        the streets until I saw something moving.
                        The hazy fog covered it, so I could only see it
                        slightly. It was an odd figure. I was terrified

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