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Are Anime Cartoons or Not ?
What is anime? Anime is a term used to describe Whether or not animes are cartoons has fostered a
a certain type of cartoon created or influenced by lot of debate. One user on reddit called fundamental
Japanese animation. Consider it like this : All anime ghoul3, for example said “The culture, the influence,
are cartoons but not all cartoons are anime. intent, aesthetics etc. are all incredibly different”.
Another user named Bainos agreed. He wrote, “Not
In a survey of 15 students at RBS hostel on the topic all anime is cartoon, not all cartoons are anime.While
“Are Anime Cartoons or Not?” Nine people voted it’s true that you can describe anime as cartoons it
they are not cartoons whereas only six people voted doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use the more specific
that they are. Outside of these people, who were all term ,when appropriate.”
young female hostel residents, most people would
say that amines are cartoons. Your answer to the question of whether animes
are cartoons or not depends on who you ask. If
In my opinion, in contrast, animes are not cartoons. someone wants to call Japanese cartoon anime, and
The differences are just too great. Cartoon is a term not cartoons, respect their opinion. For example,
used mostly for Western animation. Änime on the when you ask someone what they are reading they
other hand is a term used for Japanese animation. say “romance” or “science fiction” or other genres
Even though some animes are directed at younger they don’t supposedly say “book”. Calling Japanese
audiences, most of them are for teenagers and adults. animation a cartoon is like calling a romance genre
or other genre a book.
The art style used in Western cartoons and Japanese
animation is radically different. Anime has a lot In a way, Japanese animation is a visual representation
of artistic depth; they focus on environments and of real-world objects and characters in cartoon forms.
character features, body proportions and clothing Therefore, it has a specific term. It would be best to
are more realistic. In contrast to cartoon characters, respect their opinion and call it anime. It’s a waste of
anime characters often feature long, lean bodies and your time arguing whether animes are cartoons or
huge eyes, small mouths and noses. Overall anime not. It’s not very wrong but it’s not very accurate as
figures are more appealing and lifelike than cartoon well. Instead, just appreciate the difference.
ones. by Lijan Shrestha
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