Page 18 - Cornice_Grade 6
P. 18


                                              Factual articles bring a diverse and accessible

                                              range of topics to life for our readers.

                                              Greek City- States

                                              Greek city states or polis are small kingdoms, each fighting for control
                                              over the whole of Greece. Polis, also known as a city state, was very
                                              big. Each polis had villages, fields for growing crops and marketplaces.
                                              Each polis had about a population of 5,000 to 10,000 people. It was the
                                              geographical and political center of Greek life. Each polis had its own
                                              government and laws.

                                              The Acropolis was a fortified hill in the middle of a polis that had a
                                              temple of the local god on the top of the hill. It was the upper habitation
                                              of the polis. It was also used for defense during a war. One of the most
                                              important and well-known acropolis was the Athena Acropolis in

                                              The Agora was an open area used for trading or as a marketplace at
                                              the base of the Acropolis. It had many stalls which had goods such as
                                              meat, olives and statues, clothes, toys, jewels etc. Over time, people
                                              started living around the agora to buy and sell things. This led to a
                                              small city around the marketplace.
                                                                                           by Harsha A. Paudel

              Gautam Buddha’s Journey to Enlightenment

              We all know Gautam Buddha is a god. There  had meditated for all their life, but he did not get
              are a lot of buddhas, one of them being Gautam  the answer he wanted. So he tried looking for the
              Buddha, who is the seventh Buddha. Gautam  answers that he wanted himself. Siddhartha shaved
              Buddha’s real name is Siddhartha Gautam.        his head and started to meditate under the Bodhi
                                                              Tree for 49 days straight. There is a myth about
          In Gautam Buddha’s early life he was the prince  how demons tried to stop Siddhartha to achieve
          of Kapilvastu in the Lumbini Province. He knew  the knowledge he was trying to grasp. The demonic
          nothing about life and death, he did not know about  activities did not affect Siddhartha finishing the 49
          age nor anything about life because his father did  days of meditation. After the days that had taken
          not want Siddhartha to know that people had to  place, Siddhartha had an invisible aura making him
          pass away one day or another. He only found out  worthy of becoming the seventh Buddha. He had
          about this topic when he went out of his palace  achieved all that he wanted.
          and saw a dead body of an old man and a homeless
          person lying down on the streets. With Yasodha  Siddhartha then had the four noble truths that he
          (Siddhartha’s Wife) and Siddhartha’s son sleeping  got from the meditation, these noble truths are
          in the palace, Siddhartha left home and wanted to  popularly known among Buddhists, they are the
          start a new life with new wisdom, trying to know  truth of suffering, and the truth of the path that leads
          everything about life, death, and all the knowledge  toward the end of suffering. Simply suffering exists,
          the world could offer.                              it has a curse, it has an end, and it has a cause to bring
          After the events that had just occurred in his life,  about its end. Another dedication and achievement
          he went to many wise people and monks who  Siddhartha achieved while meditating in the Noble

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