Page 15 - Cornice_Grade 6
P. 15
In that direction, you will find a lake with the clearest water. And a little further, there
is the body of an elephant in an abyss. Eat its flesh, and you will survive!” I knew they
had very little strength and courage. But I convinced them. Before they reached the
lake of clear water, I fell into that abyss. Sacrificing my life for them was the best thing
I could do to save them. People say I took the form of a wonderful Buddha. But I also
really don’t know. Legend has its limits, which almost no one can handle. I enjoy the
moments of me as a Buddha.
I mean, I also want to know. But secrets are kept and can never be broken. So, this is
my short life. The story of the wise Buddha. I enjoyed my short and wonderful life.
Being Buddha is actually wonderful and a lucky gift. I am one of those animals who
is in the chapters of Buddha’s story. My life was great. My heart, my generosity and
kindness has made me fulfill my life. Thank You!
by Savya Singh Thakuri
News Report
News Report instigating potential
young journalists to have a voice of
their own.
Crisis in Sudan
For many years, Sudan has been at war. With a
shortage of food, water and even space at refugee According to CFSVA, thirty four percent of the
camps, over two million people died as a result of war, population, which is about fifteen million people,
famine and disease due to the conflict in the country. did not have enough food during the first quarter
Four million people in Sudan were displaced or lost or 2022. This is an increase of people compared to
their families because of the ongoing war. How did the same period in 2021 when twenty seven percent
this war start? It all started because the government of the population, which is about 12 million people,
of Sudan wanted to “Islamize” or wanted all of Sudan didn’t have enough food. FAO has launched a new
to become a fully Muslim country. Most people in project which aims to restore the food security and
Northern Sudan were already following the Muslim nutrition of resource poor farming and pastoral
religion, but the Non-Muslims in Southern Sudan communities. The project will target 180,000
fought back and this eventually led to war which households from the most vulnerable farming and
started to lead to more problems which as a result, pastoralist communities, including IDPs, returnees,
extended the war and made life extremely hard for refugees and resident households. The project
the citizens of Sudan. has a component that supports crop protection
committees to ensure that farmers access their farms
There have been three civil wars in Sudan. The first and that their crops are protected right through to
war lasted for seventeen years, the second war lasted the harvest. Let us hope that Sudan will gain peace
about twenty-two years and the last war lasted about in the future and will finally be able to rest and not
seven years. The collision of cultures and religions in worry about the war and supplies.
Sudan have caused this dreadful state which has led by Bidhisha Tamrakar
to nearly fifty years of civil war. Source: